Connectionists: AIMSA 2024: deadline is approaching

Petia Koprinkova pkoprinkova at
Tue May 7 08:53:09 EDT 2024

 Dear Colleagues,
I would like to remind you that the deadline for paper submission to AIMSA 2024 ( is approaching. Please submit your work by May 24, 2024 here:

The conference is looking for submissionsoffering innovative methods, systems and applications that demonstrateefficiency and sustainability for the future of AI. Efficiency canbe demonstrated against current and traditional methods, systems andapplications. Sustainability relates to the required resources,computational power, human wellbeing, positive impact on science and thesociety. 
The AIMSA2024 Proceedings will be published by Springer Nature in their Lecture Notes inArtificial Intelligence subline of the Lecture Notes in Computer Scienceseries.

Our outstanding key note speakers are:
Plamen Angelov(Lancaster Intelligent, Roboticand Autonomous systems (LIRA) Centre, Lancaster University)- BringingDeep Learning and Reasoning Closer

Zeng-GuangHou (State Key Lab of Management and Control for ComplexSystems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences) - AIand BCI Based Interaction Control Methods for Robotics

GiacomoIndiveri (University of Zurich and ETH Zurich,Switzerland) - Neuromorphic Intelligence: spiking neural network and on-linelearning circuits for brain-inspired technologies
Important dates:Submission deadline: May 24, 2024Notification of acceptance: July 1, 2024Deadline for camera-ready: July 15, 2024Conference: September 18-202024
Local Organizing Committee ChairPetia Koprinkova-Hristova
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