Connectionists: CNS-2024 Workshop on “Neuronal Oscillations: From Mechanisms to Computation”: Information and call for spontaneous presentations by members of the community

Rotstein, Horacio G horacio.g.rotstein at
Mon Jun 24 08:38:24 EDT 2024

CNS-2024 Workshop on “Neuronal Oscillations: From Mechanisms to Computation”

Information and call for spontaneous presentations by members of the

The 2024 Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (; CNS-2024) will be in Natal, Brazil, July
20-24. The last two days of the meeting are devoted to workshops organized
by members of the community.

As in previous years, we are organizing a workshop on “Oscillations: from
mechanisms to computations”. The workshop is scheduled for July 24.

The primary purpose of this workshop is to bring together modelers,
experimentalists, and theorists with the goal of sharing and discussing
their current results and ideas on the underlying mechanisms that govern
the generation of these rhythms at various levels of organization, and
their functional implications.

Following the tradition of this workshop


   We have reserved slots for members of the community whom we might not
   have been aware of their interest in actively participating in the
   workshop, particularly the more junior members of the community

   We are calling for  spontaneous five minutes long data blitz where
   interested students and postdocs can briefly present their work and
   contribute to the discussion

   We will allow for ample time for discussion by keeping the talks
   relatively brief.

We would like to conclude by having an open discussion on


   The role of oscillations for neural computation

   The opportunity that presents to the community to apply the insights
   from oscillatory dynamics in the brain to the design of artificial neural
   networks (ANNs).

If time becomes an issue, we will have this discussion after the regular
workshop schedule to allow for a larger group of participants.

We will do our best to accommodate people who are interested in being part
of the workshop and/or contribute to the discussion on the topics i and ii
listed above. Please, contact us.

Best regards,


                                        Horacio, NY/NJ area.

"Az di bobe volt gehat beytsim volt zi geven mayn zeide" (Yiddish

Horacio G. Rotstein, PhD (he/they)
Mathematical Biology & Computational Neuroscience
BioDatanamics Lab
Federated Department of Biological Sciences
Rutgers University / New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, NJ, 07102, USA.

Graduate Faculty
Behavioral Neurosciences Program
Rutgers University (NWK)

tel: (1-973) 596-8460

e-mail: horacio at
            horacior at <horacio at>
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