Connectionists: Submit Your Research for COMPLEX NETWORKS 2024 in Istanbul!

Hocine Cherifi hocine.cherifi at
Thu Jun 20 05:49:00 EDT 2024

13 *th **International Conference on Complex Networks & Their Applications*

Istanbul, Turkey

December 10 - 12, 2024


You are cordially invited to submit your contribution until *September 03,



·      Federico Battiston <>
Central European University, Austria

·      Tina Eliassi-Rad
<> Northeastern
University, USA

·      Frank Emmert-Streib <>
Tampere University, Finland

·      Filippo Menczer <> Indiana University,

·      Luciano Pietronero <> University of
Rome, Italy


*TUTORIALS (December 09, 2024)*

·      Alessandro Galeazzi
<> University
of Padova, Italy

·      Clara Stegehuis <> Twente University,
The Netherlands



*Full papers: *not previously published up to 12 pages

·      *Papers *will be included in the conference *proceedings edited by

*Extended Abstracts*: about published or unpublished research up to 4 pages

·      *Extended abstracts* will be published in the *Book of Abstracts
(with ISBN)*

·      **



*Extended versions of accepted contributions will be invited for
publication in special issues of :*

o   PLOS Complex Systems <> edited
by PLOS <>.

o   PLOS <> One
<> edited by PLOS <>

o   Applied Network Science <>
edited by Springer Nature <>

o   Social Network Analysis and Mining
<> edited by Springer Nature

o   Computational & Mathematical organization
<> edited by Springer Nature

o   Advances in Complex Systems
<> edited by World Scientific

o   Complex Systems Journal <>

*Invitation Notification: December 18,2024*

*Submission Deadline: February 28,2025*



*Refer to ***



*Topics include, but are not limited to: *

o   Models of Complex Networks

o   Structural Network Properties and Analysis

o   Complex Networks and Epidemics

o   Community Structure in Networks

o   Community Discovery in Complex Networks

o   Motif Discovery in Complex Networks

o   Network Mining

o   Network embedding methods

o   Machine learning with graphs

o   Dynamics and Evolution Patterns of Complex Networks

o   Link Prediction

o   Multilayer Networks

o   Network Controllability

o   Synchronization in Networks

o   Visual Representation of Complex Networks

o   Large-scale Graph Analytics

o   Social Reputation, Influence, and Trust

o   Information Spreading in Social Media

o   Rumour and Viral Marketing in Social Networks

o   Recommendation Systems and Complex Networks

o   Financial and Economic Networks

o   Complex Networks and Mobility

o   Biological and Technological Networks

o   Mobile call Networks

o   Bioinformatics and Earth Sciences Applications

o   Resilience and Robustness of Complex Networks

o   Complex Networks for Physical Infrastructures

o   Complex Networks, Smart Cities and Smart Grids

o   Political networks

o   Supply chain networks

o   Complex networks and information systems

o   Complex networks and CPS/IoT

o   Graph signal processing

o   Cognitive Network Science

o   Network Medicine

o   Network Neuroscience

o   Quantifying success through network analysis

o   Temporal and spatial networks

o   Historical Networks


For further information and inquiries, please contact us at
info at

Join us at COMPLEX NETWORKS 2024 <>
University of Burgundy Franche-Comté
Laboratoire* I*nterdisciplinaire *C*arnot de *B*ourgogne - ICB UMR 6303 CNRS
Editor in Chief  Plos Complex Systems
Founding & Adisory Editor Applied Network Science

Editorial Board member PLOS One <>, IEEE
Reports <>,

Journal of Imaging <>, Quality and
Quantity <>, Computational Social
Networks <>,
Complex Systems <>
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