Connectionists: [CFP] IDSTA2024, DUBROVNIK, CROATIA, Firm and Final Deadline

Mohammad Alsmirat msmirat at
Tue Jun 18 18:52:59 EDT 2024

The International Conference on Intelligent Data Science Technologies and
Applications (IDSTA2024)

Co-Sponsored by IEEE


*Call for Full Papers:*

Huge amount of Data is being generated and transmitted every day. To be
able to deal with this data, extract useful information from it, store it,
transmit it, and represent it, intelligent technologies and applications
are needed. The International Conference on Intelligent Data Science
Technologies and Applications (IDSTA) is a peer reviewed conference that
will advance the Data Science field by giving an opportunity for
researchers, engineers, and practitioners to present their latest findings
in the field. It will also invite key persons in the field to share their
current knowledge and their future expectations for the field. Topics of
interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

·       Data Science and Computer Science

·       Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

·       Data Science and Sustainability

·       Data Science and Cybersecurity

·       Data Science and Smart City

·       Data Science and GPU Computing

·       Data Science and Transparency in Research Data

·       Data Science and Data and Information Quality

·       Data Science and Crowdsourcing

·       Data Science and Human Behaviour Understanding

·       Data Science for Applied Public Affairs

·       Data Science for Business Analytics

·       Data Science for Finance

·       Data Science and Environmental Science

·       Data Science and Biotechnologies

·       Data Science and Semi-Structured and Unstructured Data


Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to
meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. Earlier versions of
the proceedings can be found on: DBLP
<> and IEEE


·       Paper submission deadline: July 10, 2024 (Firm and Final)

·       Notification of acceptance: August 5, 2024

·       Camera-ready Submission: August 25, 2024

 *Submission Site:*
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