Connectionists: Private email- ensemble coding

Gabriele Scheler gscheler at
Sun Jun 16 19:16:30 EDT 2024

I regret that a private email I sent to John Weng became public. It was
part of an exchange during which I believed that John deliberately wanted
to provoke me for unknown reasons. I ended the exchange, and I was angry at
myself for having engaged in it.

Having said that I think that ensemble coding is an important cortical
principle. In my preprint I elaborate on that. The ensembles are in fact
hierarchical. There are then neurons which "stand for" a whole pattern,
with certain ramifications for further application.


Dr. Gabriele Scheler
Carl Correns Foundation for Mathematical Biology
1030 Judson Dr
Mountain View, CA 94040

Please re-send an email if I fail to respond.
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