Connectionists: CFP: Workshop on Explainable and Robust AI for Industry 4.0 & 5.0 - ECML-PKDD 2024

Carlos Ferreira cgf at
Thu Jun 13 07:01:43 EDT 2024

The Workshop on Explainable and Robust AI for Industry 4.0 & 5.0 (XRAI) will be co-located with ECML-PKDD 2024.
The workshop is planned to take place in Vilnius, Lithuania, 19 September 2024.

Workshop website:

Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: 22.06.2024
Notification of Acceptance: 15.07.2024
Camera-Ready Versions Due: 29.07.2024
Workshop date: 30 September - 13.09.2023

Carlos Ferreira

ISEP | Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431
4249-015 Porto - PORTUGAL
tel. +351 228 340 500 | fax +351 228 321 159
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