Connectionists: WCCI 2024 Open Forum on AI governance: June 30 in Yokohama and Online

Kenji Doya doya at
Sat Jun 8 09:56:05 EDT 2024

WCCI 2024 Open Forum on AI Governance
How to harness evolving AI: Dialogue of developers, users, and policy makers

Sunday June 30,  2024, 9-18 JST (UTC+9)
Pacifico Yokohama and Online
Web site:

On the first day of World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI) 2024
we will hold an Open Forum on AI Governance to discuss the prospects and risks
of AI and how to align AI developments with human societal values.

Yoshua Bengio, U Montreal, CIFAR AI Chair
Natasha Crampton, Chief Responsible AI Officer, Microsoft
Yoichi Iida, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Hiroshima AI Process WG Chair
Hiroaki Kitano, SONY AI, OIST
Satoshi Kurihara, Keio U, JSAI
Akiko Murakami, Japan AI Safety Institute
Vanessa Nurock, U Côte d'Azur, UNESCO EVA Chair
Stuart Russell, UC Berkeley, Center for Human-Compatible AI
Koichi Takahashi, RIKEN, AI Alignment Network
Jaan Tallinn, Future of Life Institute
Yi Zeng, Chinese Academy of Science, Research Center on AI Ethics and Safety

The forum is on-site/online hybrid format. Those not registered to WCCI can also join
by registration from the forum web site:

Registration deadline: June 20, 2024

Minoru Asada, Osaka U, RSJ
Arisa Ema, U. Tokyo, RIKEN AIP
Joichi Ito, Chiba Institute of Technology
Ryota Kanai, ARAYA, ALIGN
Satoshi Kurihara, Keio U., JSAI
Masashi Sugiyama, U. Tokyo, RIKEN AIP
Koichi Takahashi, RIKEN BDR, ALIGN

AI Alignment Network (ALIGN)
Asia Pacific Neural Network Society (APNNS)
Chiba Institute of Technology (CIT)
International Neural Network Society (INNS)
Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS)
Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI)
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST)
RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP)
Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ)

Kenji Doya <doya at>
Neural Computation Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
1919-1 Tancha, Onna, Okinawa 904-0495, Japan
Phone: +81-98-966-8594; Fax: +81-98-966-2891

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