Connectionists: [Jobs] Postdoc position in Physics-informed Reinforcement Learning (Purdue University)

Ahmed Qureshi ahqureshi.purdue at
Sat Jul 27 13:33:35 EDT 2024

The Cognitive Robot Autonomy and Learning (CoRAL) Lab
<>, led by Professor Ahmed Qureshi
<>, has an immediate opening for a
postdoctoral position focused on physics-informed methods for scaling deep
reinforcement learning to complex dynamical systems.

The candidates must have a strong background in Applied Mathematics,
Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), and Reinforcement Learning.
Interested candidates should apply with

- Statement of interest relevant to the job posting,

- CV

- Transcripts

To be considered, please send all materials to ahqureshi.purdue at

The position is initially open for one year and will be renewed annually
based on performance. The candidate will have the opportunity to publish
and present papers at top conferences such as RSS, ICRA, ICML, and NeurIPS
and collaborate with an outstanding team of graduate and undergraduate

The Cognitive Robot Autonomy and Learning (CoRAL) Lab is in the Department
of Computer Science at Purdue University. The lab offers an excellent
environment for exploring different aspects of robotics, from algorithm
development to real-robot implementations.

Further information can be found at:

*Ahmed. H. Qureshi*
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Email: ahqureshi at
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