Connectionists: [AutoML 2024] Conference (9th-12th Sep) and Summer School (2nd-6th Sep)

Katharina Eggensperger katharina.eggensperger at
Thu Jul 18 10:44:25 EDT 2024

Hi everyone,

I would like to draw your attention to our two big AutoML events that 
will be happening later this year.
📢 International Conference on Automated Machine Learning
📅 9th-12th September in Paris (Jussieu, Sorbonne University), France

*Key topics:* Any topic related to automating any aspect of machine 
learning, including work on automating the application, development, and 
efficient usage of generative AI. This also subsumes Bayesian 
Optimization, NAS, LLMs, RL, applications, AutoML systems and many more.
*Keynote and invited speakers:* Andreas Krause, Stephen Roberts, Leman 
Akoglu, Irina Rish, Rich Caruana, Mitra Baratchi & Aaron Klein (main 
conference) and Chris Van Pelt, Shubham Agarwal, Hideaki Imamura, 
Johannes Hoffart, Rahma Chaabouni, Martin Rapp, Nilesh Jain, Victor 
Picheny & Hrvoje Stojic (industry day).
*Tutorials:* AutoRL, meta-features, zero-cost proxies for NAS, AutoGluon 
and FLAML.
📢 4th AutoML School
📅 2nd-6th September in Hannover (Leibniz University Hannover), Germany

This school includes basic lectures, keynote lectures, hands-on 
sessions, and networking with AutoML experts to bridge the gap between 
research and practical applications.
*Topics:* AutoML Systems, Green AutoML, Hyperparameter Tuning, AutoML 
and Foundation models, Neural Architecture Search, AutoRL and 
Energy-efficient ML.
*Speakers:* Kristian Kersting, Josif Grabocka, Oliver Bringmann, 
Oleksandr Shchur, Setareh Ariafar, Markus Wagner, Jan van Rijn, Bernd 
Bischl, Frank Hutter, Katharina Strecker, Theresa Eimer and many more.

I look forward to seeing you in Hannover and/or Paris!
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