Connectionists: School of Ideas in Neuroscience 2024

Mateusz Kostecki mtkostecki at
Wed Feb 21 09:34:01 EST 2024


We are super happy to announce *School** of Ideas in Neuroscience 2024!*

How the knowledge in neuroscience is accumulated?

How can we make sense of the terabytes of empirical data we collect every

In everyday work, we often forget that every scientific endeavour is
embedded in a broader theoretical framework. At the same time, most courses
and workshops in neuroscience teach us experimental techniques, giving us
more tools to gather more data. But, we are not taught how to develop ideas
and integrate our research with the existing knowledge. *We believe that
theoretical thinking and idea development are skills that can be trained
just as new methodologies and data analysis tools*. At our school, we aim
to teach participants how to think theoretically to collect data that makes
sense and to make sense of collected data!

Come to Warsaw to discuss the most exciting theories and ideas with
neuroscientists & philosophers! We provide beautiful surroundings, great
atmosphere and a lot of time to talk and think together.

The school will take place in Warsaw, *July 9th - July 15th 2024*, in the
famous historical building of Polish Academy of Sciences Museum of the
Earth, in the beautiful park area of the city. *The fee is EUR 550, but we
offer fee waivers and travel grants*. Please find more info and the
application form here -

School of Ideas Team
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