Connectionists: CFP FRCCS 2024 Montpellier, France May 29 – 31, 2024
Hocine Cherifi
hocine.cherifi at
Thu Feb 15 02:48:29 EST 2024
Fourth* F*rench* R*egional* C*onference on* C*omplex* S*ystems
May 29 – 31, 2024
Montpellier, France
*FRCCS 2024* <>
Deadline: February 21, 2023
After successfully hosting the conference in Dijon in 2021, Paris in 2022,
and Le Havre in 2023, the fourth edition of the French Regional Conference
on Complex Systems (FRCCS 2024) will be held in Montpellier, France. This
single-track international conference organized by CSS France
<> serves as a platform to foster
interdisciplinary exchanges among researchers from various scientific
disciplines and diverse backgrounds, including sociology, economics,
history, management, archaeology, geography, linguistics, statistics,
mathematics, and computer science.
FRCCS 2024 provides a valuable opportunity for participants to meet in
France, exchange and promote ideas, and facilitate the cross-fertilization
of recent research work, industrial advancements, and original
applications. Moreover, the conference emphasizes research topics with a
high societal impact, showcasing the significance of complexity science in
addressing complex societal challenges. Join us in Montpellier as we
collectively strive to understand complexity and its implications for
society better.
You are cordially invited to submit your contribution until *February 21,
Finalized work (published or unpublished) and work in progress are welcome.
Two types of contributions are accepted:
· *Papers* about *original research* (up to 12 pages)
· *Extended Abstract* about *published or unpublished* research (3 to
4 pages).
*Keynote Speakers*
· Petter Holme <>, Aalto University, Finland
· Sonia Kéfi <>,
Université de Montpellier, France
· Natasa Przulj <>, Barcelona
Supercomputing Center, Spain
· Boleslaw K. Szymanski <> Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, USA
· Ingmar Weber <>, Saarland University, Germany
o Contributions will be included in the conference proceedings (With ISBN)
o *Selected submissions of unpublished work will be invited for
publication in special issues (fast track procedure) **of the journals:*
o Applied Network Science, <>
edited by Springer
o Complexity,
edited by Hindawi
*Submission *
· Submit on CMT Microsoft at:
· *Select the Track: FRCCS2024*
*Topics include, but are not limited to: *
· *Foundations of complex systems *
- Self-organization, non-linear dynamics, statistical physics,
mathematical modeling and simulation, conceptual frameworks, ways of
thinking, methodologies and methods, philosophy of complexity, knowledge
systems, Complexity and information, Dynamics and self-organization,
structure and dynamics at several scales, self-similarity, fractals
- *Complex Networks *
- Structure & Dynamics, Multilayer and Multiplex Networks, Adaptive
Networks, Temporal Networks, Centrality, Patterns, Cliques, Communities,
Epidemics, Rumors, Control, Synchronization, Reputation, Influence, Viral
Marketing, Link Prediction, Network Visualization, Network
Digging, Network
Embedding & Learning.
- *Neuroscience, **Linguistics*
- Evolution of language, social consensus, artificial intelligence,
cognitive processes & education, Narrative complexity
- *Economics & Finance*
- Game Theory, Stock Markets and Crises, Financial Systems, Risk
Management, Globalization, Economics and Markets, Blockchain, Bitcoins,
Markets and Employment
- *Infrastructure, planning, and environment *
- critical infrastructure, urban planning, mobility, transport and
energy, smart cities, urban development, urban sciences
- *Biological and (bio)medical complexity *
- biological networks, systems biology, evolution, natural sciences,
medicine and physiology, dynamics of biological coordination, aging
- *Social complexity*
o social networks, computational social sciences, socio-ecological
systems, social groups, processes of change, social evolution,
self-organization and democracy, socio-technical systems, collective
intelligence, corporate and social structures and dynamics, organizational
behavior and management, military and defense systems, social unrest,
political networks, interactions between human and natural systems,
diffusion/circulation of knowledge, diffusion of innovation
- *Socio-Ecological Systems*
- Global environmental change, green growth, sustainability &
resilience, and culture
- *Organisms and populations *
- Population biology, collective behavior of animals, ecosystems,
ecology, ecological networks, microbiome, speciation, evolution
- *Engineering systems and systems of systems*
- bioengineering, modified and hybrid biological organisms,
multi-agent systems, artificial life, artificial intelligence, robots,
communication networks, Internet, traffic systems, distributed
control, resilience, artificial resilient systems, complex systems
engineering, biologically inspired engineering, synthetic biology
- *Complexity in physics and chemistry*
- quantum computing, quantum synchronization, quantum chaos, random
matrix theory
Roberto Interdonato CIRAD, UMR TETIS, Montpellier
Bruno Pinaud LABRI University of Bordeaux
Join us at COMPLEX NETWORKS 2024 <>
University of Burgundy Franche-Comté
Laboratoire* I*nterdisciplinaire *C*arnot de *B*ourgogne - ICB UMR 6303 CNRS
Editor in Chief Plos Complex Systems
Founding & Adisory Editor Applied Network Science
Editorial Board member PLOS One <>, IEEE
Reports <>,
Journal of Imaging <>, Quality and
Quantity <>, Computational Social
Networks <>,
Complex Systems <>
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