Connectionists: CFP: GSO 2025 -- Guided Self-Organization: Machine Learning in Embodied Agents -- 12-14 Feb

Georg Martius georg.martius at
Thu Aug 29 16:41:55 EDT 2024

Dear All,

The 11th International Conference on **Guided Self-Organization** with 
the focus on **Machine Learning in Embodied Agents** will take place 
during **12-14 February 2025 in Tübingen**, Germany:

GSO-2025 is organized jointly by University of Tübingen, the University 
of Hamburg, the Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems in 
Tübingen, and The International Association for Guided Self-Organization 

The event is part of the series of Guided Self-Organization Conferences 
which have been regularly organized since 2008 [1]. With the focus of 
this edition we want to bring together the communities around
**Machine Learning**, **Embodied Intelligence**, **Complex Systems** and 
**Information Theory**.

If interested in participating, please submit an extended abstract (up 
to two pages excluding references as pdf) by
**September 27th, 2024**
via the Google form [2]. The notifications are expected by October 28th, 
2024. Authors of accepted submissions will present their work at the 

Keynote Speakers (so far):
   Martin Riedmiller, Google Deepmind
   Verena V. Hafner, HU Berlin, Germany
   Martin Butz, Uni Tübingen, Germany

Organization Team:
   Georg Martius [3], Pierre Schumacher,
   Nihat Ay [4], Mikhail Prokopenko [5]


Prof. Dr. Georg Martius
Phone: +49 7071 29 70879
Department of Computer Science
University of Tübingen
Maria-von-Linden-Straße 6, 72076 Tuebingen, Germany
Office: 00-28/A24

Dr. Georg Martius
Phone: +49 7071 601 1719
Office: N-1.015/1
Group Leader
Autonomous Learning Group
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Max-Planck-Ring 4 (former Spemannstr 34), 72076 Tuebingen, Germany

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