Connectionists: 2x faculty posts at Ulster University: NeuroAI and Neuromorphic Computing

O'Donnell, Cian C.ODonnell2 at
Fri Aug 16 07:15:12 EDT 2024

Two academic faculty posts at Lecturer level (equivalent to US assistant professor) are available at the School of Computing, Engineering and Intelligent Systems<> at Ulster University, Derry/Londonderry campus, Northern Ireland, UK. Application closing date is 5th Sept 2024.

Although both posts are open across all relevant research areas, for the first post we are particularly seeking applicants working in NeuroAI (including computational neuroscience), for the second post we are seeking applicants working in Neuromorphic Computing:

  *   Lecturer in Computer Science<>
  *   Lecturer in Computer Engineering<>

Our School and associated Intelligent Systems Research Centre ( has an excellent cluster of neuroscience-related researchers in:

  *   NeuroAI and computational neuroscience
  *   Neuromorphic computing
  *   Brain-computer interfaces/non-invasive neurotech
  *   MEG and EEG brain imaging
  *   Cognitive robotics

Derry is a vibrant and affordable city of ~100K people with high quality of life, close to stunning coastline and outdoor activities in the north and north-west of Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland.

For general enquiries about the posts please contact Head of School Prof Jim Harkin (jg.harkin at<mailto:jg.harkin at>).

Cian O’Donnell (c.odonnell2 at<file:///Applications/>) is also happy to field informal enquires about the department, University, and life in the city.

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The Ulster University was founded by Royal Charter in 1984 and is registered with company number RC000726 and VAT registered number GB672390524.The primary contact address for Ulster University in Northern Ireland is Cromore Road, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry BT52 1SA
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