Connectionists: CfPs: Brain Informatics 2024 [Deadline approaching]
H.Z. Kuai
hongzhi.kuai at
Mon Aug 12 10:05:26 EDT 2024
The 17th International Conference on Brain Informatics (BI'24)
December 13-15, 2024 | Bangkok, Thailand
The key theme: Brain Science meets Artificial Intelligence
A hybrid conference with both online and offline modes
History of BI:
Conference homepage:
Main Conference Paper Submission System:
Workshop Paper Submission System:
Keynote Speakers:
* Professor Kenji Doya
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University,
TITLE: Brain/MINDS 2.0 and the Digital Brain Project
* Professor Hanchuan Peng
SEU-ALLEN Joint Center, Southeast University, China
TITLE: Toward Building a Whole Brain Connectome at Single Neuron
* Professor Allison Sekuler
McMaster University & University of Toronto, Canada
TITLE: To be Confirmed.
* Professor Ramesh Srinivasan
University of California, Irvine, USA
TITLE: Graphical Modeling of Brain Networks
* Professor Lucina Q. Uddin
University of California Los Angeles, USA
TITLE: Brain Dynamics and Flexible Behaviors
More to be confirmed.
Sponsored By:
IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics
Web Intelligence Consortium
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
Asia-Pacific Neural Network Society (APNNS)
IEEE-CIS Brain Informatics Task Force
IEEE-CIS Thailand Chapter
Springer Nature
***About the conference***
The International Conference on Brain Informatics (BI) series has
established itself as the world's premier research conference on Brain
Informatics, which is an emerging interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary
research field that combines the efforts of Cognitive Science,
Neuroscience, Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence (AI),
and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to explore the main
problems that lie in the interplay between human brain studies and
informatics research.
The 17th International Conference on Brain Informatics (BI'24) provides a
premier international forum to bring together researchers and practitioners
from diverse fields for presentation of original research results, as well
as exchange and dissemination of innovative and practical development
experiences on Brain Informatics research, brain-inspired technologies and
brain/mental health applications.
*** Topics and Areas ***
The key theme of the conference is "Brain Science meets Artificial
The BI'24 solicits high-quality original research and application papers
(full paper and abstract presentation submissions). Relevant topics include
but are not limited to:
Track 1: Cognitive and Computational Foundations of Brain Science
Track 2: Human Information Processing Systems
Track 3: Brain Big Data Analytics, Curation and Management
Track 4: Informatics Paradigms for Brain and Mental Health Research
Track 5: Brain-Machine Intelligence and Brain-Inspired Computing
***Journal Opportunities***
High-quality BI conference papers may be nominated to submit an extended
version for a fast-track review and publication at the Brain Informatics
Journal (, an international,
peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary Open Access journal published by Springer
*** Paper Submission and Publications ***
9-12 pages are encouraged for the regular papers including figures and
references in Springer LNCS Proceedings format (
Overlength pages will be charged 100$ per page.
All papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted based on originality,
significance of contribution, technical merit, and presentation quality.
All papers accepted (and all workshop & special sessions' full-length
papers) will be published by Springer as a volume of the Springer-Nature
LNAI Brain Informatics Book Series (
Abstract Submission (Only for Workshops/Special Sessions):
Research abstracts are encouraged and will be accepted for presentations in
an oral presentation format and/or poster presentation format. Each
abstract submission should include the title of the paper and an abstract
body within 1500 words. Note: The abstract will not be included in the
conference proceedings to be published by Springer.
Special Issues & Books:
Workshop organizers can be invited to contribute a book publication in the
Springer-Nature Brain Informatics & Health Book Series (, or a special issue at the Brain
Informatics Journal.
*** Workshop & Special Sessions ***
Proposal Submissions:
BI'24 will be hosting a series of workshops and special sessions featuring
topics relevant to the brain informatics community on the latest research
and industry applications.
Papers & Presentations:
A workshop/special session typically takes a half day (or full day) and
includes a mix of regular and invited presentations including regular
papers, abstracts, invited papers as well as invited presentations.
The paper and abstract submissions to workshops/special sessions will
follow the same format as the BI conference papers and abstracts.
Proposal Guidelines:
Each proposal should include:
1) workshop/special session title;
2) length of the workshop (half/full day);
3) names, main contact, and a short bio of the workshop organizers;
4) brief description of the workshop scope and timeline;
5) prior history of the workshop (if any);
6) potential program committee members and invited speakers;
7) any other relevant information.
* 20 August 2024: Full Paper Submission Deadline
* 20 August 2024: Abstract Presentation Submission Deadline
* 10 September 2024: Final Paper and Abstract Acceptance Notification
* 30 September 2024: Accepted Paper and Abstract Registration Deadline
* 13-15 December 2024: The Brain Informatics Conference
Organizing Committee
Honorary Chairs
* Lin Chen, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS),
* Suvit Saetia, President, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
(KMUTT), Thailand
General Chairs
* Sirawaj Itthipuripat, KMUTT, Thailand
* Giorgio Ascoli, George Mason University, USA
* Anan Li, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Program Chairs
* Nirun Pat, University of Otago, New Zealand
* Claudio Angione, Teesside University, UK
* Chaipat Chunharas, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
* Liya Ding, University of Chicago, USA
* Peipeng Liang, CNU School of Psychology, China
* Hieu Pham, VinUniversity, Vietnam
Poster Session Chairs
* Nguyen The Hoang Anh, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam
* Itthi Chatnuntawech, National Nanotechnology Center, Thailand
* Tai Chaiamarit, Mahidol University, Thailand
* Ioannis Pappas, University of Southern California, USA
Workshop/Special Session Chairs
* Lalitta Suriya-Arunroj, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
* Sittiprapa Isarangura, Mahidol University, Thailand
* Yufeng Liu, Southeast University, China
* Stephanie Nelli, Occidental College, USA
* Nuttida Rungratsameetaweemana, Columbia University, USA
* Shuqiang Wang, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, CAS, China
Tutorial Chairs
* Xiaofu He, Columbia University, USA
* Thitaporn Chaisilprungraung, KMUTT, Thailand
* Thiparat Chotibut, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Financial Chair
* Vajirasak Vanijja, KMUTT, Thailand
Local Organizing Chairs
* Duanghathai Wiwatratana, KMUTT, Thailand
* Singh Intrachooto, Research and Innovation Sustainability Center, Thailand
* Kanda Lertladaluck, KMUTT, Thailand
* Kajornvut Ounjia, KMUTT, Thailand
* Sarigga Pongsuwan, Research and Innovation Sustainability Center, Thailand
* Kejkeaw Thanasuan, KMUTT, Thailand
Publicity Chairs
* Titipat Achakulvisut, Mahidol University, Thailand
* Hongzhi Kuai, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
* Annalisa Occhipinti, Teesside University, UK
Publication Chair
* Hongzhi Kuai, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
Advisory Board
** Chair: Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
* Jonathan Chan, KMUTT, Thailand
* Tianzi Jiang, Institute of Automation, CAS, China
* Nikola Kasabov, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
* Hesheng Liu, MGH, Harvard Medical School, USA
* Guoming Luan, Sanbo Brain Hospital, China
* Mufti Mahmud, Nottingham Trent University, UK
* Hanchuan Peng, SEU-Allen Institute for Brain & Intelligence, China
* Stefano Panzeri, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
* Shinsuke Shimojo, California Institute of Technology, USA
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