Connectionists: Books on Quantum Artificial Intelligence with Qiskit and Mind, Brain, Quantum AI, and the Multiverse

Andrzej Wichert andreas.wichert at
Fri Apr 26 05:37:34 EDT 2024

Dear All,

I recently published two books: 

"Quantum Artificial Intelligence with Qiskit” was published  by Chapman and Hall/CRC

Quantum Artificial Intelligence (QAI) is a new interdisciplinary research field that combines quantum computing with Artificial Intelligence (AI), aiming to use the unique properties of quantum computers to enhance the capabilities of AI systems. Quantum Artificial Intelligence with Qiskit provides a cohesive overview of the field of QAI, providing the tools for readers to create and manipulate quantum programs on devices as accessible as a laptop computer.
Introducing symbolical quantum algorithms, sub-symbolical quantum algorithms, and quantum Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, this book explains each process step by step with associated Qiskit listings. All examples are additionally available for download at
Allowing readers to learn the basic concepts of quantum computing on their home computers, this book is accessible to both the general readership as well as students and instructors of courses relating to computer science and AI.

"Mind, Brain, Quantum AI, and the Multiverse” was published  by Chapman and Hall/CRC

There is a long-lasting controversy concerning our mind and consciousness. Mind, Brain, Quantum AI, and the Multiverse proposes a connection between the mind, the brain, and the multiverse. The author introduces the main philosophical ideas concerning mind and freedom, and explains the basic principles of computer science, artificial intelligence of brain research, quantum physics, and quantum artificial intelligence. He indicates how we can provide an answer to the problem of the mind and consciousness by describing the nature of the physical world. His proposed explanation includes the Everett Many-Worlds theory. This book tries to avoid any non-essential metaphysical speculations. The text is an essential compilation of knowledge in philosophy, computer science, biology, and quantum physics. It is written for readers without any requirements in mathematics, physics, or computer science.

Maybe it is of some interest to you.

Best Wishes,
Andreas Wichert
Andreas Wichert
Associated Professor with Habilitation 
Departamento Engenharia Informática
Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade de Lisboa
Campus IST-Taguspark 
Avenida Professor Cavaco Silva                 
2744-016 Porto Salvo, Portugal

Phone: +351  214233231

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