Connectionists: Training School: The Interplay between machine learning and communication systems

Paolo Dini paolo.dini at
Fri Apr 5 12:11:07 EDT 2024

We are pleased to announce our first International Student Workshop on 
*The Interplay between machine learning and communication systems*.

General Information

CTTC <> organizes a five-day workshop for 
early-stage researchers including PhD students and postdocs, who are 
willing to dwell into the latest advances in artificial intelligence and 
machine learning and their interplay with telecommunication systems.

The workshop will be held at CTTC premises (Barcelona, Spain) on May 
13th – 17th, 2024 and will combine lectures, demos and practical 
hands-on the experimental facilities at CTTC as well as visits to local 
industrial partners and key players. Moreover, the attendees may have 
the possibility to present their work, interacting among themselves and 
with the senior researchers attending the event.

The workshop is supported by Teleco Renta <> and 
will fund *15 travel grants* for international students to attend the 
workshop. The grant will cover the travel expenses and accommodation.

The workshop is however open to any PhD student and postdoc. A minimum 
of 15 places will be reserved for international PhD students or 
early-stage postdocs applying for Teleco Renta support, the rest will be 
open until the workshop vacancies are completed.

More information at:

Workshop vision

The advancement of machine learning (ML) techniques, especially deep 
learning, reinforcement learning, and federated learning, has led to 
remarkable breakthroughs in a variety of application domains, including 
computer vision, natural language processing, Internet of Things (IoT), 
connected vehicles, environmental monitoring, and mobile network 

Despite the success of ML-related research, the main outcomes are 
grounded on the availability of big amount of data and high 
computational resources at a central (cloud) entity. However, modern 
information sources are distributed and generate data far from the cloud 
computing centres. Streaming and processing data at remote centres 
results to be highly inefficient and energy-consuming. Hence, 
distributed/decentralized learning has emerged, enabling a pervasive 
computing system where data can be processed directly or closer to the 
sources. In such a way, communication overhead, latency, memory 
requirements, energy consumption are reduced, and privacy concerns are 

The objective of this workshop is to bring together the state-of-the-art 
research approaches in distributed ML, energy-efficient algorithms and 
understand the interplay with communication systems to achieve pervasive 
and sustainable sensing, computing, and communication platforms, in 
which every agent has an active role in the learning process, regardless 
their capabilities and tasks to be accomplished.
We will provide seminars on the following topics with amazing speakers:

  * Federated learning - Lorenzo Valerio (IIT-CNR)
  * Continual and lifelong learning - Vincenzo Lomonaco (University of Pisa)
  * Reinforcement learning - Jordi Perez (Universitat Poiltecnica de
  * Spiking neural networks - David Kappel ((University of Bochum)
  * Reservoir computing - Claudio Gallicchio (University of Pisa)
  * Physics informed neural networks - Patrick Gallinari (Sorbonne
  * Machine Learning for Communications - Adriano Pastore (CTTC)
  * Industrial applications (visit at Telefonica Human-AI Lab)

Complete program:

Important dates and links

Registrations for travel grants: April 15 2024 (AoE)
Registration link:

Any query, please reply to this sender email address.

Hope to meet you in Barcelona!


*Paolo Dini*
Researcher (R4)
** Sustainable Artificial Intelligence (SAI) research unit
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 7 - Building B4
08860 - Castelldefels
Tel.: +34 93 645 29 00


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