Connectionists: Postdoc, Research fellow, and PhD student positions in Machine learning and AI (Helsinki, Finland; deadline Oct 1)

Samuel Kaski samuel.kaski at
Tue Sep 12 02:06:02 EDT 2023

We are hiring in Helsinki Finland, to my research group and in the Finnish Centre for Artificial Intelligence AI and ELLIS Unit Helsinki. These are two separate calls - you can apply in one or both calls:

1. My research group, probabilistic machine learning:

2. Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence and ELLIS Unit Helsinki:

Keywords in both : 1) Reinforcement learning, 2) Probabilistic methods, 3) Simulation-based inference, 4) Privacy-preserving machine learning, 5) Collaborative AI and human modeling, 6) Machine learning for science, and 7) differential privacy.

The positions can include a suitable combination of theoretical and methodological work, and applications such as drug design, synthetic biology, economics, neuroimaging

FAQ: Q: What is the difference; how do I know which call and topic to apply in? A: Pick a topic that is most fitting to you, and tell more about your wishes in the cover letter.

Deadline is October 1, 2023

More information: Aalto Probabilistic Machine Learning Group<>, Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI<> and ELLIS Unit Helsinki<>

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