Connectionists: Postodoc Research Fellow Position in EEG at UCL, London, UK

Fabrizi, Lorenzo l.fabrizi at
Thu Nov 30 12:27:29 EST 2023

🔬🧠👶 Exciting opportunity! Postdoc research fellow wanted to join a new collaborative research project at UCL's Medawar Pain and Somatosensory Labs, UCLH and Birkbeck BabyLab/ToddlerLab<>, led by Dr. Lorenzo Fabrizi<>, Dr. Judith Meek<> and Prof. Emily Jones<>. Investigate the connection between early sensory experiences and long-term sensory processing in preterm-born neonates and children. Use EEG and novel sensory testing to identify individuals at risk of sensory challenges. Collaborate with experts in preterm brain imaging and neurodevelopment. Requires a background in Medical Physics, Bioengineering, Computational Neuroscience, or related fields, proficiency in brain imaging and programming, and strong communication skills. Apply here<>. Deadline 2nd of January 2024.

Lorenzo Fabrizi, PhD
Associate Professor
Medical Research Foundation Fellow

Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology Department
Room G17A, Medawar Building
Bloomsbury Campus
University College London
Gower St, London WC1E 6BT
office tel. 02031081888 (int. 51888)

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