Connectionists: PhD position Bioengineering and Robotics | University of Genoa, ITALY
Silvio P. Sabatini
silvio.sabatini at
Fri Nov 17 05:00:14 EST 2023
Applications are invited for one full-time PhD studentship for a period of
3 years, at the Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and
System Engineering (DIBRIS), University of Genoa, Italy.
The position will start on *Mar 1st, 2024* on the following research
*A computational analysis of early vision function in silico networks of
LIF neurons*
Computational models of early visual processing typically rely on simple
linear contrast-encoding assumptions, which do not account for many
higher-order mechanisms. Accordingly, many details remain underrated, as
well their implications on functional vision. The project aims to implement
neuromorphic multi-layer networks of leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neurons
in cascade to a motorized event-based camera (DAVIS, DVS,, to obtain artificial replicas of the
early stages of an active vision system. Testing the models will involve
the assessment of multiple and varying parameters captured under real-life
and adaptive conditions. At functional level, the system will (1) consider
the neural resources required to account for a range of linear/nonlinear
early visual processes, and (2) provide the inference engines for relating
the resulting visual representations to performance on psychophysical
tasks. The visual performance of the resulting silicon model will be
comparatively assessed with that of a typical human observer.
The objective is twofold: on the one hand, we contribute a deeper
understanding of visual processes, especially about predicting how early
computation may reverberate through the sensory pathways eventually
contributing to functional vision. On the other hand, we contribute to the
definition of a new generation of perceptual machines to be used in
robotics and in general in newly developed Artificial Intelligence systems.
The research will be conducted at the Bioengineering/PSPC labs of DIBRIS.
Applicants are expected to: (1) have a Master’s degree in Bioengineering,
Robotics engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Physics or
related disciplines, (2) have a keen interest in Vision Science and in
Artificial Intelligence, (3) have good programming skills in at least one
language (MATLAB, C/C++, Python, C#), (4) work well in group problem
solving situations, (5) have intermediate communication skills (oral and
written in English). Experience in neural modeling is a plus.
Prospective students, please contact Silvio P. Sabatini (
silvio.sabatini at providing your CV and qualifications, the name
and contact details of two references, and a description of your research
*Online application is possible till *December 18th , 2023 (12:00 a.m.
Full details on the call and the application procedure are available at: and
Reference: Course: BIOENGINEERING AND ROBOTICS In agreement with the
Foundation of the Italian Institute of Technology (Fondazione Istituto
Italiano di Tecnologia – IIT) Curriculum: BIOENGINEERING (CODE 10137)
Silvio P. SABATINI, PhD [PSPC Research Group]
DIBRIS - University of Genova | e_mail: silvio.sabatini at
Via Opera Pia, 13 | phone: +39 010 33 52092
I-16145 Genova (ITALY) | fax: +39 010 33 56533
"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." [Albert Einstein]
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