Connectionists: Call for Papers: Special Issue of AI Communications on "Human-Aware AI"

Loizos Michael loizos at
Wed Nov 8 01:01:04 EST 2023

Dear colleagues,

We are inviting contributions to the Special Issue of AI Communications on "Human-Aware AI".

Contributions are sought that report on mature and highly interdisciplinary research with a focus on the human involvement in the development of meaningful paradigms of AI-enabled human-human interactions, human-AI interactions, and human-centered AI-AI interactions. An indicative list of disciplines and sub-disciplines that we expect to be relevant are: Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Ethics, Human-Computer Interaction, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Machine Learning, Ontologies, Privacy, Social Computing, Social Psychology, Social Sciences.

Any contribution relating to the general theme is welcome. The following is a non-exhaustive list of suggested topics:

•     Models of human diversity and human awareness
•     Models of AI diversity and human-aware AI
•     Perception of diversity versus models of diversity
•     Models of diverse human-AI societies and interactions
•     Experimental studies on human and social diversity
•     Experimental studies on hybrid human-AI diversity
•     Representation and visualization of diversity
•     Incentive models for Human-AI collaboration
•     Human-aware machine learning technologies
•     Interpretability and explainability of human-aware machine learning
•     Diversification and unbiasing of machine learning
•     Metrics for diversity-aware machine learning
•     Diversity-aware and diversity-preserving inference and reasoning
•     Ethical and privacy considerations on diversity
•     Ethical and legal considerations on diversity-misuse scenarios
•     Data economics, business models, and/or non-profit use
•     Insights from Critical Diversity Studies
•     Diversity-sensitive communication
•     Content moderation for diversity-aware social interaction

More information about the Special Issue can be found here:

The submission deadline is November 30, 2023. However, we would appreciate it if you could register your interest to submit a paper by completing the following form at your earliest convenience:

We look forward to your contributions!


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