Connectionists: CALL for Summer / Fall 2023 AIDA course proposals
Ioanna Koroni
ioannakoroni at
Tue Jul 11 05:39:28 EDT 2023
Dear ICT 48 project Partner, distinguished scientist,
in the framework of the AI4Media EU project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020, together with the ICT48 projects ELISE, VISION, HumanE AI NET and TAILOR, we have organized the AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA) aiming to become a reference initiative for AI education in Europe and implement mechanisms for inter-university sharing of AI educational assets at PhD-level. As part of the program, AIDA offers a series of courses on Artificial Intelligence and related fields given by distinguished lecturers.
We invite you to contribute to this initiative for the definition of the AIDA Summer/Fall semester program.
You can participate in the AIDA program by offering new or opening-up existing courses targeted to AIDA students* or other students worldwide according to the participation terms of your own organization. Short/Very Short course formats (5-16 hours) are typically encouraged, while semester courses, or asynchronous mode web courses will be considered as well. Accepted courses will be listed on AIDA website ( <> and will be advertised for free with the support of AIDA dissemination channels. Proposals for courses for the AIDA Summer/Fall semester program should be sent to: Prof. Alberto del Bimbo <mailto:alberto.delbimbo at> alberto.delbimbo at, Prof. Stefano Berretti <mailto:stefano.berretti at> stefano.berretti at, and Ms. Ioanna Koroni <mailto:koroniioanna at> koroniioanna at no later than July 31, 2023 and will be evaluated by the AIDA Committee by August 10, 2023.
Proposals for AIDA Courses should include (pls, fill in the attached document):
* Course title:
* Lecturer name & affiliation:
* Host Institution:
* Content and organization: Course details about the content. 1 paragraph
* Level: (Undergraduate/Postgraduate)
* Course Duration: Hours
* Course Type: (Short/Semester/Lecture series/Seasonal School)
* Participation terms: Registration fee policy for external (non-AIDA) students, e.g., free of charge or fee of ??? Euros. Special terms for AIDA students, e.g., discount 50% or free for X number of AIDA students. Add text for a) non-AIDA student registration and AIDA student registration/enrollment, as in (6) below.
* Lectures plan: Days/time
* Proposed schedule: Start date – End date
* Language: English/Other
* Modality: Online/in person
* Notes: Are there exams? Details on how to successfully complete the course. 1-2 sentences.
* Course Link:
*AIDA students may be PhD students, post-doc researchers, possibly qualified MSc students or professionals of AIDA Members
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