Connectionists: Workshop on time series representation for medical applications (TSRL4H) at ICLR 2023

Vogt Julia julia.vogt at
Mon Jan 9 04:22:38 EST 2023

Dear all,

We are happy to announce that our workshop on time series representation for medical applications (TSRL4H) will be hosted at ICLR 2023! The workshop will include talks from leading researchers and pioneers in ML, as well as spotlight presentations and poster sessions for accepted papers.

The submission deadline is February 3, and we encourage submissions on representation learning for time series that could bring value to medical applications, such as robustness, interpretability, multimodality, to name a few.

More details can be found here:

Best Regards

Julia Vogt

Prof. Julia Vogt
Medical Data Science
Institute for Machine Learning
Department of Computer Science
ETH Zurich

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