Connectionists: 2023 Misha Mahowald Prizes for Neuromorphic Engineering

Tobi Delbruck (INI) tobi at
Sat Dec 16 12:40:54 EST 2023

The Juries of the Misha Mahowald Prizes for Neuromorphic Engineering 
have announced the following awards on the Prize website
at 1200 15 December 2023 UTC. (see 
Details the 2023 awards are provided at

Recognition of Lifetime Contribution to Neuromorphic Engineering:

This special award is conferred on Prof. Carver Mead, Gordon and Betty 
Moore Professor Emeritus of Engineering and Applied Science at the 
California Institute of Technology.

Jury citation: "Carver Mead established the field of Neuromorphic 
Electronic Engineering. His creativity and vision has inspired a 
generation of scientists, technologists, and entrepreneurs  to emulate 
brain-like information processing in electronic systems."

Misha Mahowald Prize:

The jury awarded the 2023 award to a team from the Sandia National 
Laboratories for the project "Neuromorphic Advantage for Discrete-Time 
Markov Chain Random Walks"

Jury citation: "The Sandia team demonstrated that neuromorphic hardware 
can efficiently implement Monte Carlo methods for solving differential 
equations.  Monte Carlo methods are used for solving a wide range of 
problems including those in heat transfer, medical imaging and finance."

Tobi Delbruck (on behalf of the MMPs)
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