Connectionists: Postdoc and Research Fellow positions in Machine Learning, Centre for AI Fundamentals, Manchester, UK

Samuel Kaski samuel.kaski at
Wed Aug 16 15:07:07 EDT 2023

Postdoc and Research Fellow positions in Machine Learning, Centre for AI Fundamentals, Manchester, UK

More details:
Research Fellows:

Closing date: September 2, 2023

Keywords include automatic experimental design, Bayesian inference, human-in-the-loop learning, machine teaching, privacy-preserving learning, reinforcement learning, inverse reinforcement learning, computational rationality and user modelling, and simulator-based inference.

These positions are to my team – get in touch to discuss more, and Cc angel.harper at<mailto:angel.harper at> . I will also have PhD positions open again very soon – stay tuned!

More background:

The University of Manchester is making a strategic investment in fundamentals of AI, to complement its existing strengths in AI applications across several prominent research fields in the University, which give high-profile application and collaboration opportunities for the outcomes of fundamental AI research. The university is one of the most active partners of the national Alan Turing Institute, hosts 33 Turing Fellows and Fellows of the European Laboratory of Learning and Intelligent Systems ELLIS, in the new ELLIS Unit Manchester<>. The university’s ambition is to establish a leading AI centre at the cross section of these opportunities. The university has recently launched a Centre for AI Fundamentals<> and has already recruited four new academics to it. These two lectureships continue this series of positions in establishing the new Centre.

More information:<> (the rudimentary page will get more content when we have time!)
Samuel Kaski, Professor, University of Manchester and Aalto University
Turing AI Fellow, ELLIS Fellow

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