Connectionists: 2nd Call for Participation - REACT 2023 Challenge: Multiple Appropriate Facial Reaction Generation in Dyadic Interactions (REACT2023)
crpalmec7 at
Mon Apr 17 05:36:53 EDT 2023
[apologies for multiple copies]
REACT 2023 Challenge: Multiple Appropriate Facial Reaction Generation in Dyadic Interactions (REACT2023)
The first “Multiple Appropriate Facial Reaction Generation in Dyadic Interactions” challenge (REACT2023) to be held in conjunction with the ACM Multimedia (ACM-MM) 2023 in Ottawa, Canada, is calling for contributions in the form of papers and competition in the challenge. The competition will be using the NoXI, RECOLA, and UDIVA datasets which contain audio-video clip data of participants engaged in dyadic interactions. The challenge consists of two main tasks:
* Task 1 - Offline Appropriate Facial Reaction Generation
* Task 2 - Online Appropriate Facial Reaction Generation
Participants are invited to participate in one or both sub-challenges. For more information about the challenge, check our website To register and access the challenge data, please fill the registration form you will find on the website and feel free to contact us by email: reactmultimodalchallenge at For each task, training and validation data will be made available to participants. At the end of the competition, participants will be required to submit their trained models (in the form of working code) via the CodaLab platform. All submissions will be evaluated on a held-out test dataset to ensure a fair comparison. Participants will also be encouraged to submit a conference-style paper describing their proposed approach for tackling the challenge task(s) as well as the results obtained.
Challenge timeline is as follows:
* Registration opening: April 3, 2023
* Training and development sets available: April 10, 2023
* Baseline paper available: May 22, 2023
* Test sets available: June 12, 2023
* Final results submission: June 30, 2023
* Paper submission deadline: July 14, 2023
* Notification of acceptance: July 21, 2023
* Camera ready paper: August 6, 2023
* Workshop: October 29, 2023 (TBD)
The Organisers
Dr Micol Spitale*, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom,
Dr Siyang Song*, University of Leicester & University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Cristina Palmero, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Prof Sergio Escalera, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Prof Michel Valstar, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Dr Tobias Baur, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany
Dr Fabien Ringeval, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France
Prof Elisabeth Andrè, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany
Prof Hatice Gunes, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Contact us via email: reactmultimodalchallenge at
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