Connectionists: 1st CFP MedProcNER track: Automatic detection of Medical procedures in text (at BioASQ/CLEF2023)
Martin Krallinger
krallinger.martin at
Tue Apr 11 10:32:32 EDT 2023
1st CFP MedProcNER track: Automatic detection of Medical procedures in text
MedProcNER (Medical Procedure Named Entity Recognition & Linking)
The recent use and exploitation of large language models (LLMs) and
transformer-based technologies have resulted in considerable improvements
in clinical NLP & health data processing systems, in particular for content
in English, but also increasingly for other languages. Efficient semantic
annotation strategies/named entity recognition of key clinical concepts,
such as diseases, medications or adverse events are critical for medical
text mining applications, including QA, information extraction, predictive
modeling or even generative AI.
Despite being at the core of clinical practice and healthcare, only limited
attempts focussed on the automatic detection and normalization of medical
procedures from texts. These were often restricted to very specialized
types of procedures (e.g. medical imaging). Some efforts like the Merlot
corpus included medical procedures, but were not exclusively focused on
this key clinical concept type.
Thus, there is a clear need to foster the development of concept
recognition systems for medical procedures, being essential to characterize
existing treatment options, diagnostic procedures of patients as well as
analyzing key aspects of therapeutic or preventive techniques associated
with patient care. Procedures are also relevant for clinical coding efforts
of electronic health records.
To promote the development, evaluation and use of clinical concept
recognition systems of medical procedure from clinical texts we organize
the MedProcNER task as part of the BioASQ/CLEF 2023 evaluation initiative.
For this track a large Gold Standard corpus of clinical case texts in
Spanish manually annotated through a collaborative effort between
clinicians, clinical coding experts and linguists will be released.
Additionally a multilingual Silver Standard version of the MedProcNER
corpus in English and other languages including French, Italian or
Portuguese will be published as well as cross-mappings to ICD-10 and MeSH
Aligned with different practical end user scenarios three subtasks will be
Procedure-NER (Clinical Procedure Recognition Task 1) subtask: requires
the automatic detection of all clinical procedures mentioned in clinical
case documents (their start and end character positions).
Procedure-Norm (Clinical Procedure Normalization Task 2) subtask:
requires the automatic detection of all clinical procedures mentioned in
clinical case documents (their start and end character positions) together
with their corresponding SNOMED CT concept code.
Procedure-Indexing (Clinical Procedure-based Document Indexing Task 3)
subtask: similar to semantic indexing or clinical coding tasks, this
subtask requires teams to automatically assign to each document their
corresponding list of clinical procedure SNOMED CT codes.
Train set release Procedure-NER: April 11th, 2023
Train set release Procedure-Norm/Indexing & : April 21st, 2023
Test set release (start of evaluation period): April 24th, 2023
End of evaluation period (system submissions): May 15th, 2023
Working papers submission: June 5th, 2023
Notification of acceptance (peer-reviews): June 23rd, 2023
Camera-ready system descriptions: July 7th, 2023
BioASQ workshop at CLEF 2023: Thessaloniki, Greece, September 18th-21st,
2023 (
Publications & conference
Following previous BioASQ/CLEF efforts, participating teams will be invited
to contribute a short systems description paper for the CLEF 2023
proceedings, and to give a short presentation of their approach at the
BioASQ workshop at the CLEF 2023 conference (18-21 September, Thessaloniki,
Martin Krallinger, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Salvador Lima, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Eulàlia Farré, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Luis Gascó, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Anastasios Nentidis, National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos,
Anastasia Krithara, National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos,
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