Connectionists: Initial CFP --> Cognitive Cloud Continuum Ecosystems: Theory and Practice --> HICSS event --> June 15 submission deadline
Marcin Paprzycki
marcin at
Wed Apr 5 07:35:23 EDT 2023
Cognitive Cloud Continuum Ecosystems: Theory and Practice
Honolulu, Hawaii, January 3-6, 2024
HICSS57 Minitrack
Cognitive Cloud is an enhanced Cloud-Fog-Edge system that is capable of
sensing its environment, learning from it, and opportunistically and
dynamically adapting its computational loads to the user intents. Here,
the core enabling technologies, for management of resources, services
and data are AI/ML techniques, which infuse the cognitive aspects into
the continuum.
This minitrack intends to solicit papers that discuss the theoretical
and practical aspects of Cognitive Cloud Ecosystems from a system
perspective. Topics of interest include:
* Architectures for the Cognitive Cloud for systems that are user-aware,
self-aware and (semi-)autonomous; address the need for real-time capable
solutions; and solve performance challenges, such as data streaming and
filtering near/at the edge, overcoming latency and network constraints
* Service mesh networking that controls service-to-service communication
across cognitive cloud ecosystem
* Orchestration of (sub)systems in the Cognitive Cloud, possibly
subdivided into orchestration of resources, services, and data
(including zero-touch approaches)
* Use of distributed AI across the Cognitive Cloud to make it intelligent
* Interconnection of Cognitive Clouds with Data Spaces
* Security, privacy and trust (likely, by design) in a multi-tenet
de-centralized systems, possibly with no single point of governance
* Interoperability across the Cognitive Cloud Ecosystems to cope with
the increased complexity of vast numbers of heterogeneous devices, while
supporting demands for data sharing combined with the demand for
protection of privacy
* Role of intelligent devices, drawing from applicable results in
micro/nano/bio technologies, including resource-aware hardware/software
concepts, low power processor platforms integrating computing,
networking, storage and acceleration elements, new communication schemes
and topologies that range from the cloud continuum towards mesh, and
securing computing and communication at device level with constrained
* Tactile/contextual Internet of Things based on human-centric
sensing/actuating, augmented/virtual reality and new service
capabilities such as integration with parallel and opportunistic
computing capabilities, neuromorphic and contextual computing.
* Energy aware systems from the perspective of systems integration for
efficient deployment of services and use of resources in the Cognitive Cloud
* Strategies for the deployment of hyper-distributed applications in the
Cognitive Cloud from services description to dynamic reorganization of
the deployment
* Extreme data processing applications and Frugal AI in the cognitive cloud
* Applications of Cognitive Cloud including implementation of
ecosystems, pilots, lessons learned, barriers, etc.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: June 15, 2023 | 11:59 pm HST
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: August 17, 2023 | 11:59 pm HST
Deadline for Submission of Final Manuscript
for Publication: September 22, 2023 | 11:59 pm HST
Deadline for at least one author
to register for HICSS-57: October 1, 2023 | 11:59 pm HST
Minitrack Co-Chairs
Marcin Paprzycki (Primary Contact)
Polish Academy of Sciences
marcin.paprzycki at
Maria Ganzha
Polish Academy of Sciences
m.ganzha at
Harilaos Koumaras
Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications
koumaras at
Carlos Palau
Univeristat Politecnica de Valencia
cpalau at
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