Connectionists: Call for papers IEEE J-BHI special issue: Trustworthy and Collaborative AI for Personalised Healthcare Through Edge-of-Things

Zhao Ren zren at
Fri Sep 2 06:15:32 EDT 2022

Dear all,

we are recently organising a special issue on Trustworthy and 
Collaborative AI for Personalised Healthcare Through Edge-of-Things in 
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI) (Impact 
Factor: 7.021).

We kindly invite you and your colleagues who are interested to 
contribute an article. The special issue will highlight, but not be 
limited to the following topics:
*Trustworthy AI models for health, medicine, biology, and biomedical 
*AI-driven Edge of Things infrastructure for healthcare
*Discussion of the trade-off between explainability and performance of 
machine learning
*Development of model-specific or model-agnostic approaches for 
explaining machine learning models
*Generation and detection of adversarial attacks for safety in AI 
systems for personalised healthcare
*Federated Learning for data privacy in AI systems for personalised 
*Fairness and bias issues in AI systems for personalised healthcare
*Designing integrating virtual agents for healthcare usages
*Collaborative robots for healthcare usages

More details can be found in the following link:

Thanks you and best regards,

Zhao Ren

Dr.-Ing. Zhao Ren
Forschungszentrum L3S
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Lange Laube 6, Room 611
30159 Hannover

E-Mail: zren at

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