Connectionists: Re Two 3-year post-doc positions Amiens/Dijon, France: neurodevelopment and rhythm processing

Sahar Moghimi sahar.moghimi at
Tue Oct 25 15:57:06 EDT 2022


My colleague and I would like to send an announcement to the list of  
subscribers announcing an opening for two post-doctoral positions in  
Amiens and Dijon, in France. The announcement is attached.
Would it be possible to send this announce to the subscriber so that  
it might reach the interested researchers?

Thank you for your help.

Sahar Moghimi

Sahar Moghimi (Prof)
GRAMFC, Inserm U1105
Université de Picardie Jules Verne

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From: Sahar Moghimi <sahar.moghimi at>
Subject: Re Two 3-year post-doc positions Amiens/Dijon, France: neurodevelopment and rhythm processing
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 16:57:32 +0200
Size: 307158
URL: <>

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