Connectionists: CAiSE 2023 -- Call for Papers
Anna Kalenkova
anna.kalenkova at
Sat Oct 1 06:13:11 EDT 2022
CAiSE 2023 - 35th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
12 - 16 June 2023 Zaragoza, Spain
Submission deadlines: Abstract – 22 November 2022
Full paper – 29 November 2022
Website link:
The CAiSE’23 organization calls for full papers with a special emphasis on the theme of Cyber-Human Systems. The theme refers to various aspects of the interface between humans and technology, with the intention to advance models, methods, and theories relating to such systems. The conference is targeting the three types of papers.
* Technical papers which describe original solutions (theoretical, methodological, or conceptual) in the field of IS Engineering.
* Empirical papers which evaluate existing problem situations including problems encountered in practice or validate proposed solutions with scientific means, i.e., by empirical studies, experiments, case studies, experience reports, simulations, etc.
* Exploratory papers which describe completely new research positions or approaches, in order to face a generic situation arising because of new ICT tools, new kinds of activities or new IS challenges.
CAiSE’23 will feature the best paper award, a journal special issue, and a PhD-thesis award:
* Best Paper Award‚ prize EUR 1000 (sponsored by Springer)
* A small selection of best papers will be recommended for inclusion in a special issue of Information Systems dedicated to this conference.
* PhD-Thesis Award‚ best PhD thesis of a past CAISE Doctoral Consortium author (co-sponsored by the CAiSE Steering Committee and Springer)
Accepted papers will be presented at CAiSE’23 and published in the conference proceedings in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
For more information on the topics and instructions refer to the CAiSE23 website link specified above.
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