Connectionists: 🏃 FINAL CFP DISTEMIST Shared task: Named Entity Recognition and Normalization of diseases.
Darryl Estrada
darrylestrada97 at
Tue May 3 10:25:24 EDT 2022
[image: Distemist]
Call for Participation:
*Detection and normalization of diseases mentions.*
Register now
*What to expect from this track*
DISTEMIST is the first track that focuses specifically on the automatic
detection of disease mentions and their normalization (SNOMED CT) in
Spanish clinical case documents. The DISTEMIST data was tested to develop
disease taggers previously applied to a diversity of medical records.
Disease mention detection systems have been implemented and used to process
a diversity of content types, including scientific publications, clinical
records, clinical trials, patient forums or social media, resulting in a
component integrated into a diversity of practically relevant application
types, such as:
Drug discovery, repurposing and off label indications
Disease outbreak monitoring/surveillance and epidemiology tools
Extraction of disease phenotype or comorbidities
Clinical coding of diagnosis
Occupational health studies
*Subtracks* 🏁
We foresee that participation in the DISTEMIST track will contribute to
generate resources that will improve the exploitation of clinical
unstructured data and thus unlock valuable health information, assist data
curation and facilitate quality evaluation and interpretability of disease
mention detection systems.
Inspired by previous initiatives (n2c2, BioCreative) and shared tasks
(CANTEMIST, PharmaCoNER, or CodiEsp), we are launching the DISTEMIST shared
task as part of the BioASQ 2022 evaluation initiative (co-located with CLEF
2022), with the following two sub-tracks:
[image: Ella Becker]
*Automatic mention detection of diseases.*
[image: Archie Kendal]
*Finding mentions of diseases and normalizing them to their Snomed-CT
concept identifiers.*
*What's NEW!! 💥 (May 2022)*
We released *multilingual resources * to foster the development of
multilingual tools and generate systems not only for Spanish but also for
content in English and Romance languages (French, Portuguese, Catalan ,
Italian and Romanian): DISTEMIST-English, DISTEMIST-Italian,
DISTEMIST-French, DISTEMIST-Portuguese, DISTEMIST-Catalan and
*Language comparison SPA * 🇪🇸 * vs ENG * 🇬🇧
*Resources 📦*
*Schedule 🕗*
May 10th, 2022
Test Set Release
May 15th, 2022
Participant Test Prediction Due
May 27th, 2022
Working paper submission
June 13th, 2022
Notification of acceptance (peer-view)
July 1st, 2022
Camera-ready system descriptions
September, 2022
BioASQ @ CLEF 2022
*Scientific Committee *
Ulf Leser
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Francisco Couto
Universidade de Lisboa
Jin-Dong Kim
Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS), Japan
Ozlem Uzuner
George Mason University
José Castaño
Buenos Aires University
Laura Furlong
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Martin Hofmann-Apitius
Universität Bonn
Dina Demner-Fushman
Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications, US
Teams participating in DISTEMIST will be invited to contribute a systems
description paper for the BioASQ (CLEF 2022) Working Notes proceedings and
a short presentation of their approach at the CLEF 2022 conference.
If you receive multiple emails for this same call for participation, We are
very sorry for the inconvenience.
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