Connectionists: [CfP - Deadline extended] Pervasive Artificial Intelligence Workshop @ IEEE WCCI 2022

Vincenzo Lomonaco vinxlemons at
Tue May 3 07:22:29 EDT 2022

Call for Papers

Pervasive Artificial Intelligence Workshop
IEEE WCCI 2022 - July 18-23 2022 Padua - Italy

The WCCI 2022 Workshop on Pervasive AI aims to establish a new
multidisciplinary community tackling challenges across edge AI, continual
learning, embedded, distributed and federated learning, neuromorphic
computing, AI-HPC, sustainable AI.

AI is becoming a pervasive technology in ICT systems development, as well
as for its presence in products and services of daily use. In particular, a
pervasive use of neural-based methodologies and technologies comes at the
cost of increased functional and non-functional requirements related to
fundamental properties, such as energy efficiency, ability to continuously
adapt to changing conditions and tasks, dependability, security and
human-machine interactivity.

The workshop encourages submissions from academia, industrial projects, and
international research projects.

Relevant topics include but are not limited to:
- Adaptive placement of applications on the Cloud-Iot continuum
- Algorithms, software and hardware platforms for high-performance and
scalable processing of AI and ML models
- Continuous reasoning on Cloud-IoT applications
- Cybersecurity in ML
- Design and development of algorithms, models and software for AI and ML
- Distributed and embedded AI and learning
- Distributed, embedded and in-silico neural computation
- Deep graph networks in pervasive AI applications
- Federated learning
- Intelligent IoT and cyber-physical systems
- Learning on streaming data and continual learning
- Multi-agents systems in pervasive computing
- Methods, algorithms and systems for human-aware, secure and safe AI in
pervasive computing scenarios
- ML-on-Cloud, ML-for-the-Cloud, ML as a service
- ML-Ops
- Neuromorphic computing
- Learning at-the-edge
- Safe AI
- Sustainable AI
- Trustworthy AI

Submission Guidelines
The workshop offers the possibility to opt for either non-archival
contributions or published proceedings papers. Only regular papers, as
defined below, can be included in the proceedings. The latter will be
published under the CEUR-WS AIxIA series, which is open access and fully
indexed by Scopus, DBLP and Scholar.

The workshop accepts the following types of contributions:
- Regular papers (min 10 pages, max 12 pages refs included): papers
presenting mature research contributions
- Short papers (min 5 pages, max 8 pages): papers presenting preliminary
ideas, work in progress, position statements

All contributions, irrespective of the type, will undergo a single blind
peer review process with 2-3 anonymous referees.
Articles should be formatted according to the CEUR-WS style:

Submissions are handled via Easychair:

Important Dates
Submission Deadline: May 12th 2022, AoE
Notification to authors: May 31st 2022
Camera-ready upload: June 15th 2022, AoE
Workshop dates: 18-19 July 2022 (exact day to be confirmed)

Organizing Committee
Davide Bacciu, Università di Pisa
Antonio Carta, Università di Pisa
Patrizio Dazzi, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Magdalini Eirinaki, San Jose State University
Iraklis Varlamis, Harokopio University of Athens
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