Connectionists: ACSOS 2022: Deadline Extension for main track submissions
ACSOS Conference
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Mon May 2 14:53:29 EDT 2022
*** ACSOS 2022 - Call For Papers ***
3rd IEEE International Conference on
Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems
19-23 September 2022 – Online
The goal of the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and
Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS) is to provide a forum for sharing the
latest research results, ideas and experiences in autonomic computing,
self-adaptation and self-organization. ACSOS was founded in 2020 as a
merger of the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing
(ICAC) and the IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and
Self-Organizing Systems (SASO). For more up-to-date news, follow us at!
*** Important Dates ***
*EXTENDED* May 13, 2022: Abstract submission deadline
*EXTENDED* May 20, 2022: Paper submission deadline
July 2, 2022: Notification to authors
August 5, 2022: Camera Ready Deadline
September 19-23, 2022: ACSOS Conference!
Also be sure to check out our separate calls for artifacts, posters,
demos, and workshop papers!
*** Challenge and Scope ***
Emerging large-scale systems (including data centers, cloud computing,
smart cities, cyber-physical systems, sensor networks, and embedded or
pervasive environments) are becoming increasingly complex,
heterogeneous, and difficult to manage. The challenges of designing,
controlling, managing, monitoring, and evolving such complex systems in
a principled way led the scientific community to look for inspiration in
diverse fields, such as biology, biochemistry, physics, complex systems,
control theory, artificial intelligence, and sociology. To address these
challenges novel modeling and engineering techniques are needed that
help to understand how local behavior and global behavior relate to each
other. Such models and practices are a key condition for understanding,
controlling, and designing the emergent behavior in autonomic and
self-adaptive systems. The mission of ACSOS is to provide an
interdisciplinary forum for researchers and industry practitioners to
address these challenges to make resources, applications, and systems
more autonomic, self-adaptive, and self-organizing. ACSOS provides a
venue to share and present their experiences, discuss challenges, and
report state-of-the-art and in-progress research. The conference program
will include technical research papers, in-practice experience reports,
posters, demos, and a doctoral symposium.We invite novel contributions
related to the fundamental understanding of autonomic computing,
self-adaption and self-organization along with principles and practices
of their engineering and application. The topics of interest include,
but are not limited to: - Autonomic and Self-* system properties:
robustness; resilience; resource efficiency; stability; anti-fragility;
diversity; self-reference and reflection; emergent behavior;
computational awareness and self-awareness;
- Autonomic and Self-* systems theory: bio-inspired and
socially-inspired paradigms and heuristics; theoretical frameworks and
models; formal languages; queuing and control theory; requirement and
goal expression techniques; uncertainty as a 1st class entity
- Autonomic and Self-* systems engineering: reusable mechanisms and
algorithms; design patterns; programming languages; architectures;
operating systems and middleware; testing and validation methodologies;
runtime models; techniques for assurance; platforms and toolkits;
multi-agent systems;
- Data-driven management and artificial intelligence: data mining;
machine learning; in-network learning; distributed reinforcement
learning; data science and other statistical techniques to analyze,
understand, and manage the behavior of complex systems or establishing
- Mechanisms and principles for self-organization and self-adaptation:
inter-operation of self-* mechanisms; evolution, logic, and learning;
addressing large-scale and decentralized systems;
- Socio-technical self-* systems: human and social factors;
visualization; crowdsourcing and collective awareness;
- Autonomic and self-* concepts applied to hardware systems: self-*
materials; self-construction; reconfigurable hardware, self-* properties
for quantum computing; - Self-adaptive cybersecurity: intrusion
detection, malware attribution, zero-trust networks and blockchain-based
approaches, privacy in self-* systems;
- Cross disciplinary research: approaches that draw inspiration from
complex systems, organic computing, artificial intelligence, chemistry,
psychology, sociology, and biology, and ethology.
We invite research papers applying autonomic and self-* approaches to a
wide range of application areas, including (but not limited to):
- Smart environments: -grids, -cities, -homes, and -manufacturing; -
Internet of things and cyber-physical systems;- Robotics, autonomous
vehicles, and traffic management; - Cloud, fog/edge computing, High
Performance Computing (HPC), quantum computing and data centers;-
Internet of Things;- Hypervisors, containerization services,
orchestration, operating systems, and middleware;- Biological and
bio-inspired systems.
*** Best Papers *** We intend to continue the tradition of giving the
best papers of the conference an opportunity to publish an extended
version in a special issue of ACM Transactions on Autonomous and
Adaptive Systems (TAAS). The Karsten Schwan Best Paper Award will be
awarded to a selected paper.
*** Submission Instructions *** *Research papers* (up to 10 pages
including images, tables, and references) should present novel ideas in
the cross-disciplinary research context described in this call,
motivated by problems from current practice or applied research.
*Experience Reports* (up to 10 pages including images, tables, and
references) cover innovative implementations, novel applications,
interesting performance results and experience in applying recent
research advance to practical situations on any topics of interest.
*Vision Papers* (up to 6 pages including images, tables, and references)
introduce ground-shaking, provocative, and even controversial ideas;
discuss long term perspectives and challenges; focus on overlooked or
underrepresented areas, and foster debate. Research papers and
experience reports will be included in the conference proceedings that
will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press and made available as a
part of the IEEE Digital Library. Vision papers will be part of a
separate proceedings volume (the ACSOS Companion).Please see for full
requirements and review criteria.
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