Connectionists: Two PhD positions at the intersection of Machine Learning and Scientific Computing

ISCL UU isclab.uu at
Thu Mar 24 18:27:01 EDT 2022

Applications are invited for 2 PhD positions at the Division of Scientific
Computing, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University.

The positions relate to the general research theme of developing machine
learning methods for efficient and scalable analysis of scientific
experiments. We at the Integrative Scalable Computing Laboratory (ISCL) are
also part of the Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) network and offer
a rich and highly interdisciplinary research environment. Please find
detailed information about the positions at the following links:

Position 1: 1 PhD student in Scientific Computing focusing on Statistical
Sampling/Active Learning for Large-Scale Scientific Experiments

Position 2: 1 PhD student in Scientific Computing focusing on Machine
Learning for Scalable Parameter Inference

Starting date: Negotiable

Deadline: 30 March 2022

We look forward to receiving your applications via our online recruitment
system (Varbi).
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