Connectionists: [Conferences] EARTHVISION 2022 @ CVPR - Call for Papers
Naoto Yokoya
yokoya at
Wed Jan 19 08:37:56 EST 2022
Apologies for cross-posting
*EarthVision 2022*
*Large Scale Computer Vision for Remote Sensing Imagery IEEE GRSS
Workshop, *
*in conjunction with CVPR 2022, 19 June 2022, New Orleans,
Louisiana, hybrid/virtual*
Earth Observation (EO)/Remote Sensing is an ever-growing field of
investigation where computer vision, machine learning, and signal/image
processing meet. The general objective of the domain is to provide
large-scale, homogeneous information about processes occurring at the
surface of the Earth exploiting data collected by airborne and spaceborne
sensors. Earth Observation covers a broad range of tasks, ranging from
detection to registration, data mining, multi-sensor, multi-resolution,
multi-temporal, and multi-modality fusion, and regression, to name just a
few. It is motivated by numerous applications such as location-based
services, online mapping services, large-scale surveillance, 3D urban
modeling, navigation systems, natural hazard forecast and response, climate
change monitoring, virtual habitat modeling, etc. The sheer amount of data
calls for highly automated scene interpretation workflows.
Earth Observation and in particular the analysis of spaceborne data
directly connects to 34 indicators out of 40 (29 targets and 11 goals) of
the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations. The aim of
EarthVision to advance the state of the art in machine learning-based
analysis of remote sensing data is thus of high relevance. It also connects
to other immediate societal challenges such as monitoring of forest fires
and other natural hazards, urban growth, deforestation, and climate change.
This workshop, held for its sixth edition at the CVPR 2022, aims at
fostering collaboration between the computer vision and EO communities to,
on the one hand, boost automated interpretation of EO data, and, on the
other hand, raise awareness inside the computer vision and machine learning
communities for this highly challenging and quickly evolving field of
research with an extensive impact on human society, economy, industry, and
the environment.
Submissions are invited from all areas of computer vision and image
analysis relevant for, or applied to, environmental remote sensing. Topics
of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Super-resolution in the spectral and spatial domain
- Hyperspectral and multispectral image processing
- 3D reconstruction from aerial optical and LiDAR acquisitions
- Feature extraction and learning from spatio-temporal data
- Semantic classification of UAV / aerial and satellite images and videos
- Deep learning tailored for large-scale Earth observation
- Domain adaptation, concept drift, and the detection of
out-of-distribution data
- Self-, weakly, and unsupervised approaches for learning with spatial data
- Human-in-the-loop and active learning
- Multi-resolution, multi-temporal, multi-sensor, multi-modal processing
- Fusion of machine learning and physical models
- Explainable and interpretable machine learning in Earth Observation
- Applications for climate change, sustainable development goals, and
- Public benchmark datasets: Training data standards, testing & evaluation
metrics, as well as open-source research and development.
Full paper submission: *March 9, 2022*
Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2022
Camera-ready paper: April 8, 2022
Workshop (full day): June 19, 2022
A complete paper should be submitted using the EarthVision templates
provided on the workshop website. The paper length must not exceed 8 pages
(excluding references) and formatting follows CVPR 2022 instructions. All
manuscripts will be subject to a double-blind review process, i.e. authors
must not identify themselves on the submitted papers.
Papers are to be submitted using the dedicated submission platform on the
Workshop website (
By submitting a manuscript, the authors guarantee that it has not been
previously published or accepted for publication in a substantially similar
form. CVPR rules regarding plagiarism, double submission, etc. apply.
- Ronny Hänsch, German Aerospace Center, Germany
- Devis Tuia, EPFL, Switzerland
- Jan Dirk Wegner, University of Zurich & ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Bertrand Le Saux, ESA/ESRIN, Italy
- Naoto Yokoya, Uni. of Tokyo & RIKEN, Japan
- Nathan Jacobs, Uni. of Kentucky, USA
- Fabio Pacifici, Maxar, USA
- Mariko Burgin, NASA JPL, USA
- Loïc Landrieu, IGN, France
- Charlotte Pelletier, UBS Vannes, France
EarthVision 2022 will again feature interesting challenges addressing
modern problems of Remote Sensing and Earth Observation. Stay tuned for
The event is co-organized by the Image Analysis and Data Fusion Technical
Committee of the IEEE-GRSS, and it is sponsored by SpaceNet.
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