Connectionists: INCF IC preprint: Recommendations for repositories and scientific gateways from a neuroscience perspective

Heather Topple heather at
Fri Jan 14 05:37:33 EST 2022

The INCF Infrastructure Committee (IC) - which provides recommendations for
the strategic direction of INCF's infrastructure strategy and development -
has a preprint available in arXiv.

The preprint, titled *Recommendations for repositories and scientific
gateways from a neuroscience perspective*, is a set of recommendations that
can apply to a wide and diverse range of digital services, both
repositories and science gateways, for data as well as software. These
recommendations have neurosciences as their primary use case but are often

Congratulations to authors and members Malin Sandström, Mathew Abrams, Jan
Bjaalie, Mona Hicks, David Kennedy, Arvind Kumar, JB Poline, Prasun Roy,
Paul Tiesinga, Thomas Wachtler, and Wojtek Goscinski!

Learn more about it here:
Read the paper here:

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone in your network you feel
would be interested.

All the best,
Heather Topple, BSc
*Project Assistant*
*Development and Communications*

International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility Secretariat
Karolinska Institutet. Nobels väg 15A, SE-171 77 Stockholm. Sweden
Email: heather at
Phone: +46 085 248 70 65
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