Connectionists: A number of positions in Helsinki, Finland and Manchester, UK

Samuel Kaski samuel.kaski at
Wed Dec 21 13:41:00 EST 2022

We are hiring! A number of positions, with great collaborators, in both Helsinki, Finland and Manchester, UK. Postdoc, research fellow, doctoral student, AI Centre Manager, Translational Research Manager. Keywords: Probabilistic machine learning, multi-agent RL, collaborative AI, simulator-based inference, privacy,  ML4Science.

More details; some food for thought for the holiday season:

In Manchester Centre for AI Fundamentals and ELLIS Unit Manchester, University of Manchester, UK:

  *   Postdoc, ML with an outstanding cancer research centre: , <> DL Jan 16;
  *   Doctoral student:<>
  *   AI Centre Manager: ELLIS Unit Manchester and Manchester Centre for AI Fundamentals<> , DL Jan 9, 2023
  *   Translational Research Manager: A high-profile position setting up AI startup and industry collaboration action of Manchester Centre for AI Fundamentals, UKRI Turing AI World-Leading Resarcher programme and ELLIS Unit Manchester, with new Manchester Turing Innovation Hub initiative. Position open any day now.

In Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland; Finnish Centre for Artificial Intelligence FCAI and ELLIS Unit Helsinki:

  *   Postdoc positions in drug design, multi-agent RL, differential privacy in my group: Topics 15-19 at , DL Jan 15.
  *   Postdoc positions with FCAI collaborators :<> , DL Jan 15
  *   Doctoral student positions in my group: Topics 10-14<> DL Jan 29 .
  *   Assistant Professors of Computer Science<> , DL Jan 15. Machine learning and collaboration at FCAI welcome

If you read this far and are uncertain which of these to apply for, apply to one of them and tell in the cover letter that you are interested in my other positions too.

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