Connectionists: Faculty research fellowships ('tenure-track') available at the University of Nottingham

Marcus Kaiser mail at
Mon Aug 22 12:52:11 EDT 2022

Dear all,

[x] independent faculty position
[x] tenure-track
[x] start-up funding
[x] childcare support

Our call for Nottingham Research Fellowships is now out!

We have two schemes, each offering the same package of support:

   - *Anne McLaren Fellowships* are aimed at outstanding female
   postdoctoral researchers in science, technology, engineering and medicine,
   who are at the early stage of their academic careers and wish to establish
   a research career in the UK
   - *Nottingham Research Fellowships* are aimed at outstanding
   postdoctoral researchers who are at the early stage of their academic
   careers from all academic disciplines represented at the university

Find out more and apply before 6 October at:

Nottingham “the home of MRI” offers an excellent environment for imaging (
  and ), is
pioneering the use of neurotechnology for brain disorders ( ), hosts the Institute of Mental Health ( ), and has a large group of faculty members
including four full professors (Stephen Coombes, Mark van Rossum, Mark
Humphries, Marcus Kaiser) in the area of computational/mathematical

Please contact me if you want to find out more about how your research
might fit in with our priorities of connectomics, brain stimulation,
neurotechnology, neuroimaging, and computational/mathematical neuroscience.




*Marcus Kaiser, Ph.D. FRSB*  @ConnectomeLab

*Professor of Neuroinformatics*

*Precision Imaging Beacon, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham*

Guanci Visiting Professor

Rui Jin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Book: Changing Connectomes

Lab website:

Neuroinformatics UK:
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