Connectionists: ICMI 2022: 2nd Call for Long, Short and Blue Sky Papers

Raj Sharma ksharma.raj at
Thu Apr 14 09:57:44 EDT 2022

**apologies if you have received multiple copies of this email*
ICMI 2022
24th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
7-11 Nov 2022, Bengaluru, India


The 24th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2022)
will be held in Bengaluru, India. ICMI is the premier international forum
for multidisciplinary research on multimodal human-human and human-computer
interaction, interfaces, and system development. The conference focuses on
theoretical and empirical foundations, component technologies, and combined
multimodal processing techniques that define the field of multimodal
interaction analysis, interface design, and system development.

We are keen to showcase novel input and output modalities and interactions
to the ICMI community. ICMI 2022 will feature a single-track main
conference which includes: keynote speakers, technical full and short
papers (including oral and poster presentations), demonstrations, exhibits,
doctoral spotlight papers, Blue Sky papers, and late-breaking papers. The
conference will also feature workshops and grand challenges. The
proceedings of all ICMI 2022 papers, including Long and Short Papers, will
be published by ACM as part of their series of International Conference
Proceedings and Digital Library, and the adjunct proceedings will feature
the workshop papers.

We also want to welcome conference papers from behavioural and social
sciences. These papers allow us to understand how technology can be used to
increase our scientific knowledge and may focus less on presenting
technical or algorithmic novelty. For this reason, the "novelty" criteria
used during ICMI 2022 review will be based on two sub-criteria (i.e.,
scientific novelty and technical novelty as described below). Accepted
papers at ICMI 2022 only need to be novel on one of these sub-criteria. In
other words, a paper which is strong on scientific knowledge contribution
but low on algorithmic novelty should be ranked similarly to a paper that
is high on algorithmic novelty but low on knowledge discovery.

   - *Scientific Novelty*: Papers should bring some new knowledge to the
   scientific community. For example, discovering new behavioural markers that
   are predictive of mental health or how new behavioural patterns relate to
   children’s interactions during learning. It is the responsibility of the
   authors to perform a proper literature review and clearly discuss the
   novelty in the scientific discoveries made in their paper.
   - *Technical Novelty*: Papers reviewed with this sub-criterion should
   include novelty in their computational approach for recognizing, generating
   or modelling data. Examples include: novelty in the learning and prediction
   algorithms, in the neural architecture, or in the data representation.
   Novelty can also be associated with new usages of an existing approach.

Please see the Submission Guidelines for Authors
<> for
detailed submission instructions.

This year's conference theme: Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs) enable
natural Human Computer Interaction, inspired by human-human communication.
With rapid advances in multimodal analysis, dialog and synthesis
technologies, intelligent ECAs are set to enter real world applications.
The expected intelligence includes cognitive, social and emotional facets
that humans routinely display in conversations. The theme for ICMI 2022
will revolve around making the ECAs more robust, responsible and
multilingual. As such, this year, ICMI welcomes contributions on our theme
for ”Intelligent and responsible Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs) in
the multilingual real world”.

Additional topics of interest include but are not limited to:

   - Affective computing and interaction
   - Cognitive modelling and multimodal interaction
   - Gesture, touch and haptics
   - Healthcare, assistive technologies
   - Human communication dynamics
   - Human-robot/agent multimodal interaction
   - Human-centred A.I. and ethics
   - Interaction with smart environment
   - Machine learning for multimodal interaction
   - Mobile multimodal systems
   - Multimodal behaviour generation
   - Multimodal datasets and validation
   - Multimodal dialogue modelling
   - Multimodal fusion and representation
   - Multimodal interactive applications
   - Novel multimodal datasets
   - Speech behaviours in social interaction
   - System components and multimodal platforms
   - Visual behaviours in social interaction
   - Virtual/augmented reality and multimodal interaction


*Long paper*: The maximum length is 8 pages in ACM conference format, and
authors are welcome to submit papers initially in either LaTeX or Word
(excluding references).

*Short paper*: The maximum length is 4 pages in ACM conference format using
latex or Word (excluding references).

*Blue Sky paper*: ICMI 2022 partners once more with the Computing Community
Consortium (CCC) to continue the Blue Sky paper track initiated in 2021
that emphasizes innovative, visionary, and high-impact contributions. This
track solicits papers relevant to ICMI content that go beyond the usual
research paper to present new visions that stimulate the ICMI community to
pursue innovative new directions. They may challenge existing assumptions
and methodologies,or propose new applications or theories. The papers are
encouraged to present high-risk controversial ideas. Submitted papers are
expected to represent deep reflection, to argue rigorously, and to present
ideas from a high-level synthetic viewpoint (e.g., multidisciplinary, based
on multiple methodologies).

The CCC will further distribute and publicise any papers published in this
track, and they will sponsor awards to honour the first ($1,000), second
($750), and third ($500) place papers, in the form of travel grants. The
submission deadline is the same with main conference papers.

The maximum length is 4 pages in ACM conference format using either LaTeX
or Word (excluding references).


Paper Submission: May 13, 2022
Reviews to authors: July 1, 2022
Rebuttal due: July 8, 2022
Paper notification: July 22, 2022
Camera-ready paper: August 19, 2022
Presenting at main conference: November 7-11, 2022


Justine Cassell, CMU & Inria
Louis-Philippe Morency, CMU
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