Connectionists: Postdoc and PhD positions open in the Tchumatchenko group

Tatjana Tchumatchenko tat at
Fri Apr 8 10:54:08 EDT 2022

Dear friends and colleagues,

I would appreciate if you could spread the word among your students and 

My group is looking for Master Students, PhD Students and Postdocs

Master Students, PhD Students or Postdocs interested in understanding 
how neuronal networks work, how they respond to stimuli and what role 
connectivity and single neuron dynamics play for the activity of the 
brain. We are looking for bright and hard-working students with a 
life-science or quantitative background (physics, math, biology etc).

The following PhD projects are currently open:
A project exploring the intersection of protein dynamics and machine 

An additional PhD and postdoctoral positions will address the relation 
between neurological diseases, protein dynamics and network activity.

When applying please attach a CV (with a publication record) and a 
current copy of academic transcripts and mention at least one academic 

For more information, please contact Prof. Tatjana Tchumatchenko
via email tatjana.tchumatchenko at

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