Connectionists: [CfP] The 2nd international workshop on Machine Learning for EEG Signal Processing (MLESP)

Larbi Boubchir boubchir at
Sun Sep 12 13:27:39 EDT 2021


The 2^nd international workshop on Machine Learning for EEG Signal 
Processing (MLESP 2021, will be 
held online, from 9 to 12 december 2021, in conjunction with the IEEE 
International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM 


EEG signal processing involves the analysis and treatment of the 
electrical activity of the brain measured with Electroencephalography, 
or EEG, in order to provide useful information on which decisions can be 
made. The recent advances in signal processing and machine learning for 
EEG data processing have brought an impressive progress to solve several 
practical and challenging problems in many areas such as healthcare, 
biomedicine, biomedical engineering, BCI and biometrics. The aim of this 
workshop is to present and discuss the recent advances in machine 
learning for EEG signal analysis and processing. We are inviting 
original research work, as well as significant work-in-progress, 
covering novel theories, innovative methods, and meaningful applications 
that can potentially lead to significant advances in EEG data analytics. 
This workshop is an opportunity to bring together academic and 
industrial scientists to discuss the recent advances.

The topics of interest include but not limited to:

- EEG signal processing and analysis
- Time-frequency EEG signal analysis
- Signal processing for EEG Data
- EEG feature extraction and selection
- Machine learning for EEG signal processing
- EEG classification and Hierarchical clustering
- EEG abnormalities detection (e.g. Epileptic seizure, Alzheimer's 
disease, etc.)
- Machine learning in EEG Big Data
- Deep Learning for EEG Big Data
- Neural Rehabilitation Engineering
- Brain-Computer Interface
- Neurofeedback
- EEG-based Biometrics
- Related applications

Important Dates

Oct. 25, 2021 (11:59 pm CST): Due date for full workshop papers submission
Nov. 5, 2021: Notification of paper acceptance to authors
Nov. 15, 2021: Camera-ready of accepted papers
Dec 3-6, 2021: Workshops

Paper Submission

- Please submit a full-length paper (up to 8 page IEEE 2-column format) 
through the online submission system. You can download the format 
instruction here:
- Electronic submissions in PDF format are required.

Online Submission


All accepted papers will be published in the BIBM proceedings and IEEE 
Xplore Digital Library.

Journal Special Issue

Selected high-quality papers will be invited for publication in a 
special issue in highly respected journal.


Prof. Larbi Boubchir /(//Workshop Chair/),University of Paris 8, France
E-mail: larbi.boubchir at
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