Connectionists: [jobs] Postdoc opening: patio-temporal control of bio-protective robots for movement enhancement

Massimo Sartori at
Wed Sep 8 04:35:02 EDT 2021

Do you want to develop radically new spatiotemporal modelling and control
paradigms for bioprotective robots? Do you want to develop novel
technologies for enhancing and restoring human movement?

The Neuro-Mechanical Modeling and Engineering Lab (Department of
Biomechanical Engineering, University of Twente) is seeking for one
outstanding postdoctoral fellow to work as part of the INTERACT Project.
funded by the European Research Council:

*If interested please apply via this link by September 18th:

We offer high-reaching positions with a generous allowance as well as
extraordinary research facilities and working environment. Your work will
be facilitated by in-house expertise and mentorship. You will collaborate
with top-scientists on aspects including exoskeleton control, skeletal
muscle modelling, statistical modelling, giving large opportunities for
growth and to perform impactful research!

Massimo Sartori, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair, Neuromechanical Engineering
Director, Neuromechanical Modeling & Engineering Lab

University of Twente & TechMed Centre
Faculty of Engineering Technology
Department of Biomechanical Engineering
7500 AE, The Netherlands

Personal Website:
Lab Website:
Lab YouTube Channel:
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