Connectionists: CIKM 2021 - Final Call for Partecipation (It stats next week!)

Aldo Lipani aldo.lipani at
Tue Oct 26 09:54:46 EDT 2021

Apologies for cross-postings.

      CIKM 2021: The 30th ACM International Conference
          on Information and Knowledge Management

                1 - 5 November 2021, Online
                  (Queensland, Australia)


The Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) provides a unique venue for industry and academia to present and discuss state-of-the-art research on artificial intelligence, search and discovery, data mining and database systems, all at a single conference. CIKM is uniquely situated to highlight technologies and insights that materialize the big data and artificial intelligence vision of the future. CIKM 2021 will take place online from 1-5 November 2021 in a lively and interactive manner. Now in its 30th year, CIKM is a leading international forum for research into information and knowledge management, as well as recent advances in data and knowledge bases.

The list of keynote speakers for this year CIKM is available here:

The program is available here:

The registration page here:

Registration Fees

All registration fees are quoted in US Dollars – USD

Category - Author			Author Registration (Until 15th September)
Author ACM-SIG Member
[Either Professional or Student]	$279
Author Non-Member			$329
Category – Workshop Author		Workshop Author Registration (Until 25 October)
AUTHOR AnalytiCup or Workshop	$49
(with full access to conference)
Category - Attendee			Attendee Registration (Until 25 October)
Conference Attendee			$49

ACM-SIG Member

Accepted memberships include ACM, SIGIR and SIGweb.
To join SIGIR as a member, please visit this link:

To join SIGWEB as a member, please visit this link:

To join ACM, please visit this link:

Registration includes

*   Admission to all sessions, including, plenary keynotes, main tracks sessions, posters, workshops, tutorials, and AnalytiCup
*   Access to digital copy of the proceedings
*   Gift: CIKM-21 polo shirt. Register by the early deadline of 15 September to get the shirt before the conference

Author Registration Policy

*   All author registrations should be received by 15 September in order to have the papers included in the proceedings. Only papers covered by a registration will be included in the conference proceedings.
*   At least one author from each paper must register for the conference.

AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: Each accepted paper must have an author registration fee paid. For example, if you are the solo author of two papers, you should pay the registration fee twice. On the other hand, if you are an author of two papers, each with other co-author, you may decide to register yourself for one of the papers, and one of your co-authors for the other paper.

Registration Methods

Please register through the online registration system. Methods of payment accepted include credit card and wire transfer. Any queries email: cikm21 at


Topics of Interest

Conference sessions will include papers on all topics in the general areas of artificial intelligence, data science, databases, information retrieval, and knowledge management. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

* Data and information acquisition and preprocessing (e.g., data crawling, IoT data, data quality, data privacy, mitigating biases, data wrangling)

* Integration and aggregation (e.g., semantic processing, data provenance, data linkage, data fusion, knowledge graphs, data warehousing, privacy and security, modeling, information

* Efficient data processing (e.g., serverless, data-intensive computing, database systems, indexing and compression, architectures, distributed data systems, dataspaces, customized hardware)

* Special data processing (e.g., multilingual text, sequential, stream, spatio-temporal, (knowledge) graph, multimedia, scientific, and social media data)

* Analytics and machine learning (e.g., OLAP, data mining, machine learning and AI, scalable analysis algorithms, algorithmic biases, event detection and tracking, understanding, interpretability)

* Neural Information and knowledge processing (e.g., graph neural networks, domain adaptation, transfer learning, network architectures, neural ranking, neural recommendation, and neural prediction)

* Information access and retrieval (e.g., ad hoc and web search, facets and entities, question answering and dialogue systems, retrieval models, query processing, personalization, recommender and filtering systems)

* Users and interfaces for information and data systems (e.g., user behavior analysis, user interface design, perception of biases, personalization, interactive information retrieval, interactive analysis, spoken interfaces)

* Evaluation, performance studies, and benchmarks (e.g., online and offline evaluation,  best practices)

* Crowdsourcing (e.g. task assignment, worker reliability, optimization, trustworthiness, transparency, best practices)

* Understanding multi-modal content (e.g., natural language processing, speech recognition, computer vision, content understanding, knowledge extraction, knowledge graphs, and knowledge representations)

* Data presentation (e.g., visualization, summarization, readability, VR, speech input/output)

* Applications (e.g., urban systems, biomedical and health informatics, legal informatics, crisis informatics, computational social science, data-enabled discovery, social media)

CIKM 2021 Terms & Conditions

*   Registrations are accepted only on full completion of the online registration form.
*   No booking will be confirmed until the registration payment is received in full.
*   CIKM 2021 Committee reserves the right to alter any of the program or other arrangements for this conference; including cancellation or postponement of the conference should unforeseen circumstances require it. The organisers accept no responsibility for resulting costs or inconvenience to participants in this case.
*   It is the responsibility of the author or participant to ensure that adequate internet connectivity is available at their place of viewing for the duration of the online conference.

Cancellation Policy

Requests for cancellations or changes must be sent in writing to the registration desk: cikm21 at

If you cancel your registration:
*  By 25 October Attendee registrations will receive a 50% refund
*  No refunds issued from 26 October 2021
*  There is no refund for non-attendance
*  No refunds for Author registrations

ACM Policy Against Discrimination

All authors and participants must adhere the ACM discrimination policy.
For full details, please visit this site:

Contact Information

For any registration-related issues or queries please send an email to: cikm21 at

Dr. Aldo Lipani |
Asst. Prof. in Machine Learning
University College London (UCL)
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