Connectionists: ERC-funded Postdoc position in computational neuroscience and modelling of salamander locomotor circuits, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

Auke Ijspeert Auke.Ijspeert at
Thu Nov 11 07:01:07 EST 2021

The Biorobotics laboratory (Biorob, at 
EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) has one open postdoc position in 
computational neuroscience and modeling of salamander locomotor 
circuits. The position is part of the Salamandra project, a Synergy 
grant funded by the ERC that started in September 2021, together with 
Prof. Andras Simon (Karolinska Institute, Sweden) and Prof. Dimitri 
Ryczko (U. Sherbrooke, Canada). See some info here:

The goals of the position are (i) to develop numerical models and 
simulations of the locomotor circuits in the spinal cord of the 
salamander, (ii) to analyze their dynamics when coupled to a simulated 
mechanical model of the body (interactions between central and 
peripheral mechanisms), and (iii) to investigate their regenerative 
properties after spinal cord lesions. The models will likely be based on 
integrate-and-fire neuron models, but other models could also be 
investigated (e.g. rate-based). The position is fully funded for 2 years 
(and can be extended to 4 years in total).

EPFL is one of the leading Institutes of Technology in Europe and offers 
extremely competitive salaries and research infrastructure.


Candidates should have a Ph.D. and a strong publication record in 
computational neuroscience. An ideal candidate would have prior 
experience in:

  * Numerical models of oscillatory (spinal) circuits
  * Movement and locomotion control
  * Integrate-and-fire neural models (or similar neuron models)
  * Good management skills are a plus. Fluency in oral and written
    English is required.

*How to apply for the position:*

Postdoctoral applications should consist of a motivation letter 
(explaining why you are interested in the project, and why you feel 
qualified for it), a full CV, two or three relevant publications, and 
the email addresses of two or more referees. PDF files are preferred. 
Please send your application and any inquiry by email to 
auke.ijspeert at

Information concerning the type of research carried out by the lab can 
be found at .

*Deadline and starting date:*

Applications are requested starting from now**, and will then be 
processed as they arrive until the position is closed. The ideal 
starting date is *early 2022* (with some flexibility).


Information concerning the type of research carried out by the lab can 
be found at . You should send your 
application and any inquiry by email to auke.ijspeert at

Prof Auke Jan Ijspeert
Biorobotics Laboratory
EPFL-STI-IBI-BIOROB, ME D1 1226, Station 9
EPFL, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
CH 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

Office: ME D1 1226   Tel: +41 21 693 2658    Fax: +41 21 693 3705
www:            Email:Auke.Ijspeert at
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