Connectionists: Research positions available in machine learning at all levels: Research Fellow, Postdoc, PhD student. Turing AI Fellowship, Univ Manchester, UK

Samuel Kaski samuel.kaski at
Thu Nov 4 16:04:42 EDT 2021

Still some positions available in my new research group funded by the Turing AI World-Leading Researcher Fellowship: Human-AI Research Teams: Steering AI in Experimental Design and Decision-Making.

Positions are available at all stages; we seek to fill most positions now but leave some for future years as well:

- Research Fellow
- Postdoc
- PhD Student

The work involves probabilistic modelling in exciting new settings, and developing new methods for probabilistic machine learning and inference. Applicants with outstandingly strong expertise in one of following topics are welcome, or strong expertise in one and keen interest in working with expert colleagues on the others: automatic experimental design, Bayesian inference, human-in-the-loop learning, advanced user modelling, machine teaching, privacy-preserving learning, reinforcement learning, inverse reinforcement learning, simulator-based inference, likelihood-free inference.

There will be particularly good opportunities to join new work on collaborative modelling and decision-making with AI. And applications in drug design, synthetic biology, personalized medicine, and digital twins.

The positions are in the University of Manchester, which has recently strengthened its position as a centre for research into AI fundamentals and impactful applications, featuring:
- Brand-new ELLIS Unit Manchester (press release out any minute now...)
- Partnership with the Alan Turing Institute
- New Centre for Fundamentals of AI, with a number of excellent new faculty members joining
- Institute for Data Science and AI, with >900 researchers
- Excellent university with outstanding collaborators in other strong fields within a walking distance on the same campus
- Dual positions can be negotiated with research groups in cancer research, biotechnology, digital twins, medicine and health, both in academia, hospitals and companies. Get in touch.
- Most livable city in the UK

Links to detailed calls:

Research Fellow:


Doctoral student:

More info on the Turing AI World-Leading Researcher Fellowships:

Get in touch to discuss further!
Samuel Kaski

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