Connectionists: Complex Systems PhD position at the Goethe University, Frankfurt
Claudius Gros
gros at
Thu Nov 4 07:45:35 EDT 2021
PhD position at the Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Goethe University Frankfurt
Applications are invited for a fully funded
PhD position at the Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Fields: neurosciences, complex systems theory
Application deadline: Dec 15, 2021
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Claudius Gros
We are developing new models and generative principles for
complex systems, using a range of toolsets from dynamical
systems theory, game theory, and the neurosciences.
Examples are self-generated gaits for animals and
robotic systems, criticality in autonomous networks,
as well as Covid-19 modeling. Several subjects
are available for the announced PhD thesis,
depending on the background of the successful
candidate. The work will include analytical
investigations and numerical simulations.
The candidates should have a Diploma/Master in
physics with an excellent academic track record
and good computational skills. Experience or strong
interest in the fields of complex systems, dynamical
systems theory, game theory and/or artificial or
biological cognitive systems is expected. The
degree of scientific research experience is
expected to be on the level of a
German Diploma/Master.
The appointment will start in spring 2022,
for three years. Interested applicants
should submit a curriculum vitae and a
list of publications to the address below.
Prof. Claudius Gros
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Goethe University Frankfurt
Max-von-Laue-Str. 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
cgr at
General information on the University of Frankfurt and its employment policy:
With its around 46,000 students and 4,600 employees, the Goethe University in
Frankfurt is the largest university in the state of Hessen and an
internationally renowned, important regional employer. Numerous quality and
performance oriented internal reforms have been initiated in the recent years.
The reorganized campuses for natural sciences and humanities offer an ideal
environment for research and education. Since 2008, the Goethe University is
a foundation under public law and enjoys full administrative autonomy.
The fixed-term employment of the academic staff is subject to the
provisions of the Temporary Science Employment Law and the
Hessian Higher Education Act.
The University advocates gender equality and therefore strongly
encourages women to apply. People with disabilities are given
preference if equally qualified.
### Prof. Dr. Claudius Gros
### Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems, A Primer
### A graduate-level textbook, Springer (2008/10/13/15)
### Life for barren exoplanets: The Genesis project
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