Connectionists: Call for Papers: RSS 2021 Workshop on Declarative and Neurosymbolic Representations in Robot Learning and Control

Alper Ahmetoglu ahmetoglu.alper at
Wed May 19 05:48:53 EDT 2021

RSS 2021 Workshop on Declarative and Neurosymbolic Representations in Robot Learning and Control
A Full-day Virtual Event
July 12-16, 2021 (To be determined) <>

Important dates
- Paper Submission Deadline: June 20th, 2021
- Acceptance Notification: June 30th, 2021 
- Workshop date: July 12th - 16th, 2021 (TBD)

This is a joint workshop with two themes that share common interests and motivations.

- Declarative knowledge in learning and control of robot behaviors: For the purposes of explainability, abstraction, efficiency, or robustness, declarative knowledge is being incorporated into the decision-making process. We aim to explore novel ways to leverage complementary features of the different forms of decision making in order to inform the future research of deliberative systems relying on declarative knowledge that can be learned from, and shared with, humans.

- Neurosymbolic robotics for learning symbolic representations from sub-symbolic representations: Neurosymbolic AI has emerged to integrate successful ideas in deep learning and classical symbolic reasoning in a single framework. Such a framework will have the desirable perception abilities of deep networks for bottom-up computation whilst allowing the system to make symbolic reasoning for top-down computation.

Invited Speakers:

Masataro Asai, IBM Research
Joyce Chai, U of Michigan
Sonia Chernova, Georgia Tech
Anthony Cohn, U of Leeds
Katerina Fragkiadaki, CMU
Nick Hawes, U of Oxford
Leslie Kaelbling, MIT
George Konidaris, Brown U
Ben Kuipers, U of Michigan
Luís C. Lamb, UFRGS
Cynthia Matuszek, UMBC
Sheila McIlraith, U of Toronto


We accept regular papers (up to 8 pages of unpublished work) and extended abstracts (up to 4 pages of novel work or from a recently published paper) in standard RSS format, excluding unlimited pages for references. The review process will be single-blind. 10 minutes will be allocated for each regular paper, and 2 minutes for each extended abstract. There will also be a poster presentation session through for discussions. Papers will be submitted through EasyChair ( 

Organizing Committee:

Alper Ahmetoglu (contact person), Bogazici U (Turkey), ahmetoglu.alper at
Shiqi Zhang (contact person), SUNY Binghamton (US), zhangs at
Roderic Grupen, UMass Amherst, (US)
Yuqian Jiang, UT Austin, (US)
Matteo Leonetti, U of Leeds, (UK)
Tiffany Liu, UMass Amherst, (US)
Erhan Oztop, Ozyegin U / Osaka U (Turkey/Japan)
Justus Piater, U of Innsbruck, (Austria)
Benjamin Rosman, U of Witwatersrand, (South Africa)
Tadahiro Taniguchi, Ritsumeikan U, (Japan)
Emre Ugur, Bogazici U, (Turkey)

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