Connectionists: Reminder: Call for SDM21 Doctoral Forum Participation and Student Support

Albrecht Zimmermann Albrecht_Zimmermann at
Mon Mar 15 07:17:00 EDT 2021

Dear Colleague,
[apologies if you received the same message more than once!]
We are very excited to bring to your attention that SDM 2021 will be hosting a Doctoral Forum which will provide junior and senior PhD students an opportunity to present their thesis work, receive feedback and mentorship from senior mentors, and network with peers and senior mentors. 
You can find more information, including the submission link here:
(under "Doctoral Student Forum Participants and Student Travel Scholarship Applications”)
The submission deadline is March 22 and at the time of submission we only require a title and description of the work to be presented as a poster.
There are funding opportunities for students (both domestic to the US and international):

NSF Student Travel Grant
There is limited support for students at U.S.-based institutes to attend SDM 2021 thanks to an NSF grant. Any full-time student in good standing is eligible to receive the award. First-time attendees and underrepresented groups (women and underrepresented minorities) may be given preference.
Please fill out:[] 
SIAM student support:
Additional travel support for students to attend SDM21, independent from their location and whether they attend the Doctoral forum, is available from SIAM, in the form of Student Travel Awards.[] 
Please feel free to disseminate this call to your colleagues, collaborators, students, and anyone who you may think may be interested in this.
Joyce Ho (joyce.c.ho at[mailto:joyce.c.ho at]) and Vagelis Papalexakis (epapalex at[mailto:epapalex at])
SDM’21 Doctoral Forum co-chairs

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