Connectionists: VISMAC2020 Phd summer school - UPDATES

Fabio Bellavia fabio.bellavia at
Wed Jun 23 06:56:56 EDT 2021

*** UPDATES in relation to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) ***
Call for Participation - VISMAC2020

=== Apologies for multiple posting ===
Please distribute this call to interested parties

V I S M A C (VISione delle MACchine)
[in English, "Machine Vision"]

International Summer School
September 21st - 24th, Palermo, Italy

=== UPDATES regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus) ===

We would like to thank all those who have already expressed interest in 
attending the VISMAC summer school. The school is set to be held from 
the 21st to the 24th of September 2021 as a full online event through 
Microsoft Teams. At the conclusion of class, students will be required 
to perform successfully an online exam to obtain a final certification.

Please, feel free to express your interest by emailing us: we will add 
you to our mailing list and keep you promptly informed of any new 

Take care of yourselves, and see you soon.

=== Aim & Scope ===

The international summer school VISMAC "VISione delle MACchine" (in 
English, "Machine Vision") is organized every two years by the 
"Associazione Italiana per la ricerca in Computer Vision, Pattern 
recognition e machine Learning" (CVPL - ex-GIRPR) affiliated to 
International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). It represents 
a stimulating opportunity for doctoral students, young researchers from 
universities, research institutions and industry. The primary objective 
of the Summer School is to provide a common scientific and cultural 
background on the subjects of computer vision and pattern recognition.

This edition of VISMAC will mainly focus on four renowned research 
topics: Bio-imaging, Automotive, Cultural Heritage, Image forensics.

=== List of Speakers ===

- Carlo Sansone, UNINA Federico II
- Elena Casiraghi, UNIMI
- Paolo Soda, UCBM
- Francesco Tortorella, UNISA
- Joseph Stancanello, Elekta

- Sergio Saponara, UNIPI
- Roberto Vezzani, UNIMORE
- Alessandro Rizzi, UNIMI
- Alberto Broggi, VISLAB/AMBARELLA

Cultural Heritage
- Gabriele Guidi, POLIMI
- Carlo Colombo, UNIFI
- Andrea Fusiello, UNIUD
- Francesca Odone, UNIGE
- Fabio Remondino, FBK Trento
- Alessandro Dal Colle, Klain Robotics

Image forensics
- Francesco De Natale, UNITN
- Gian Luca Marcialis, UNICA
- Luisa Verdoliva, UNINA Federico II
- Jerian Martino, Amped Software

=== Registration ===

School registrations are limited to forty participants, on a FIFS basis.

Accepted students can submit a poster to present their research 
activity. The best poster selected by the school committee will receive 
a prize sponsored by CVPL.

Registration info and poster guidelines will come soon.

=== Scientific Committee ===

- Domenico Tegolo, UNIPA
- Cesare Valenti, UNIPA
- Roberto Pirrone, UNIPA
- Filippo Stanco, UNICT

=== Local Committee ===

- Marco E. Tabacchi, UNIPA
- Fabio Bellavia, UNIPA

=== Sponsors ===

- CVPL (ex-GIRPR) - Associazione Italiana per la ricerca in Computer 
Vision, Pattern recognition e machine Learning
- Universita' degli Studi di Palermo
- Universita' degli Studi di Catania
- CITC - Centro Interdipartimentale di Tecnologie della Conoscenza, 
Universita' degli Studi di Palermo
- DMI - Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universita' degli 
Studi di Palermo

vismac2020 at

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