Connectionists: [CFP] DEADLINE EXTENSION for 1st International Workshop on Ontology Uses and Contribution to Artificial Intelligence @ KR-2021

Sarra Ben Abbès benabbessarra at
Fri Jul 30 08:53:15 EDT 2021

> Dear colleagues and researchers,
> Please consider submitting a paper for the 1st International workshop on 
> "Ontology Uses and Contribution to Artificial Intelligence"  which will be 
> held online or in Hanoi, Vietnam - November 6-12, 2021.
> *                         ****  OnUCAI - CALL FOR PAPERS **** *
> *                     Ontology Uses and Contribution to Artificial 
> Intelligence*
> *                              1st International Workshop, in conjunction 
> with *KR 2021 <> 
> *                            November 6-12, 2021 - Online or in Hanoi, 
> Vietnam*
> ** Important dates ** 
>    - *Workshop paper submission due: **July 19, 2021 **September 06, 2021*
>    - *Workshop paper notifications: *September 30, 2021
>    - *Workshop paper camera-ready versions due: *October 12, 2021
>    - *Workshop registration deadline: *TBA
>    - *Workshop: *November 06-12, 2021
> All deadlines are 23:59 anywhere on earth (UTC-12)
> ** Workshop description **
> An ontology is well known to be the best way to represent knowledge in a 
> domain of interest. It is defined by Gruber as “an explicit specification 
> of a conceptualization”. It allows us to represent explicitly and formally 
> existing entities, their relationships and their constraints in an 
> application domain. This representation is the most suitable and beneficial 
> way to solve many challenging problems related to the information domain 
> (e.g., knowledge representation, knowledge sharing, knowledge reusing, 
> automated reasoning, knowledge capitalizing and ensuring semantic 
> interoperability among heterogeneous systems). Using ontology has many 
> advantages, among them we can cite ontology reusing, reasoning and 
> explanation, commitment and agreement on a domain of discourse, ontology 
> evolution and mapping, etc. As a field of artificial intelligence (AI), 
> ontology aims at representing knowledge based on declarative and symbolic 
> formalization. Combining this symbolic field with computational fields of 
> IA such as Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), Probabilistic 
> Graphical Models (PGMs), Computer Vision (CV) and Natural Languages 
> Processing (NLP) is a promising association. Indeed, ontological modeling 
> plays a vital role to help AI reducing the complexity of the studied domain 
> and organizing information inside it. It broadens AI’s scope allowing it to 
> include any data type as it supports unstructured, semi-structured, or 
> structured data format which enables smoother data integration. The 
> ontology also assists AI for interpretation process, learning, enrichment, 
> prediction, semantic disambiguation and discovering of complex inferences. 
> Finally, the ultimate goal of ontologies is the ability to be integrated in 
> a software to make sense of all information.
> In the last decade, ontologies are increasingly being used to provide 
> background knowledge for several AI domains in different sectors (e.g. 
> energy, transport, health, banking and insurance, etc.). Some of these AI 
> domains are:
>    - Machine learning and deep learning: semantic data selection, 
>    semantic data pre-processing, semantic data transformation, semantic data 
>    prediction, semantic clustering correction of the outputs, semantic 
>    enrichment with ontological concepts, use the semantic structure for 
>    promoting distance measure, etc.
>    - Probabilistic Graphical Models: learning PGM (structure or 
>    parameters) using ontologies, probabilistic semantic reasoning, semantic 
>    causality and probability, etc. 
>    - Computer Vision: semantic image processing, semantic image 
>    classification, semantic object recognition/classification, etc.
>    - Blockchain: semantic transactions, interoperable blockchain systems, 
>    etc.
>    - Natural Language Processing: semantic text mining, semantic text 
>    classification, semantic role labelling, semantic machine translation, 
>    semantic question answering, ontology based text summarizing, semantic 
>    recommendation systems, etc.
>    - Robotics: semantic task composition, task assignment, communication, 
>    cooperation and coordination, etc.
>    - Voice-video-speech: semantic voice recognition, semantic speech 
>    annotation, etc.
>    - Game Theory: semantic definition of specific games, semantic rules 
>    and goals definition, etc.
>    - etc. 
> ** Objective **
> This workshop aims at highlighting recent and future advances on the role 
> of ontologies and knowledge graphs in different domains of AI and how it 
> can be used in order to reduce the semantic gap between the data, 
> applications, machine learning process, etc., in order to obtain a 
> semantic-aware approaches. In addition, the goal of this workshop is to 
> bring together an area for experts from industry, science and academia to 
> exchange ideas and discuss results of on-going research in ontologies and 
> AI approaches. 
> We invite the submission of original works that are related -- but are not 
> limited to -- the topics below.
> ** Topics of interests **
>    - Ontology for Machine Learning/Deep Learning
>    - Ontology for Probabilistic Graphical Models
>    - Ontology for Federated Machine Learning
>    - Ontology for Smart Contracts
>    - Ontology for Computer Vision
>    - Ontology for Natural Language Processing
>    - Ontology for Robotics and Multi-agent Systems
>    - Ontology for Voice-video-speech
>    - Ontology for Game Theory
>    - and so on.
> ** Submission * *
> The workshop is open to submit unpublished work resulting from research 
> that presents original scientific results, methodological aspects, concepts 
> and approaches. All submissions are not anonymous and must be PDF documents 
> written in English and formatted using the following style files: *KR2021_authors_kit 
> <>*
> Papers are to be submitted through the workshop's *EasyChair 
> <>* 
> submission page.
> We welcome the following types of contributions:
>    - *Full papers* of up to 9 pages, including abstract, figures and 
>    appendices (if any), but excluding references and acknowledgements: 
>    Finished or consolidated R&D works, to be included in one of the Workshop 
>    topics.
>    - *Short papers* of up to 4 pages, excluding references and 
>    acknowledgements: Ongoing works with relevant preliminary results, opened 
>    to discussion.
> At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the workshop, 
> in order to present the paper. For further instructions, please refer to 
> the *KR 2021 
> <>* 
> page.
> ** Workshop chairs **
>    - Sarra Ben Abbès, Engie, France
>    - Lynda Temal, Engie, France
>    - Nada Mimouni, CNAM, France
>    - Ahmed Mabrouk, Engie, France
>    - Philippe Calvez, Engie, France
> ** Program Committee **
>    - 
>    Shridhar Devamane, Physical Design Engineer, Tecsec Technologies, 
>    Bangalore, India
>    - 
>    Philippe Leray, Professor at University of Nantes 
>    - 
>    Stefan Fenz, key researcher at SBA Research and Senior Scientist at Vienna 
>    University of Technology 
>    <>
>    - 
>    Olivier Dameron, Professor at Université de Rennes I, Dyliss team, 
>    Irisa / Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique   
>    - 
>    Aarón Ayllón Benitez, Phd in bioinformatique, ontology leader at BASF 
>    digital solutions
>    - 
>    François Scharffe, Researcher on Knowledge based AI, New York, United 
>    States
>    - 
>    Maxime Lefrançois, Associate Professor at Saint Etienne University, 
>    France
>    - 
>    Pierre Maret, The QA Company & Saint Etienne University, France 
>    - Sanju Tiwari, Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas, Mexico
> **Publication*
> The best papers from this workshop may be included in the supplementary 
> proceedings of KR 2021.
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